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Re: Pesticide and fungicide applied together

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 6:25 pm
by Muhammad Bilal
What i got from our workshop currently attended only 2% of sprayed pesticide are target oriented and 98% pesticides dispersed in the environment, in our air, leach down in the soil and so kill soil micro organism + soil nitrogen fixation agent bacteria and pollute the water reservoir. and all this 98% dispersed pesticide causes of damaged of our health and environment. it also kill beneficial insect found in our garden or in plants.

Chemical pesticides are not environmental friendly. Using chemical pesticides should be last weapon to overcome of harmful pests attack. Good agriculture management practices like use of healthy seeds, good drain and well enrich soil, well aeration between plants, hoeing, right amount and timely watering etc: can minimize the pest attack.

Always use the technique of "Pest scouting". few pests on the plants are not a matter. if the insect population increase to the economic thresh hold level then it is dangerous.