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Pest control

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 9:26 am
by mikhurram
I have observed that there is a lot of clutter in Pest & Disease section and the section needs to be re-arranged as there are multiple entries for the same pest or disease problem. I am thinking of making a specific thread based on gardening excerpts from accredited magazines pertaining to tackling Mealy bugs, aphids, mites or whitefly etc.

Moderators should consider lumping similar posts together i.e. posts on 'White Fly' should come under the sub section titled "White Fly", posts written on 'Mealy Bugs' should be listed under a sub-section titled "Mealy bugs" etc.

Re: Pest control

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 10:03 am
by M Farooq
Your idea is very good but a couple of suggestions, if you like. What about a thread that has pictures of common garden pests taken in Pakistani gardens? Once we know the proper name, we can find a lot about those pests on the web. We should share only those methods which we have experimented ourselves. We may also wish to avoid magazine scans for 2 reasons (i) they are difficult to read as scanned pictures (ii) and someone might have copyright issues.

The gardening expertise of readers here varies from experts to very beginners. The beginners are prone to make mistakes in the usage of pesticides (so we may avoid mentioning brand names rather tell them go to a proper shop rather for advice with the name of the pest).

Re: Pest control

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 10:11 am
by mikhurram
The copyright issue is a very valid point in addition to the danger of mistakes by novices in usage of pesticides.

Meanwhile once if the 'Pest and Disease' section can be re-organised in terms of sub-sections for separate pests/diseases, the thread having pictures of common garden pests taken in Pakistani gardens can be added in the specific sub sections.

Re: Pest control

Posted: February 19th, 2014, 11:04 am
by Mustansir Billah
mikhurram wrote:The copyright issue is a very valid point in addition to the danger of mistakes by novices in usage of pesticides.

Meanwhile once if the 'Pest and Disease' section can be re-organised in terms of sub-sections for separate pests/diseases, the thread having pictures of common garden pests taken in Pakistani gardens can be added in the specific sub sections.
Yes! either sub section or Sticky because every new member makes his/her own post regarding the same problem so, if these topics would be in front there it would be easy to seek for a certain problem.