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Root rot solution

Posted: June 12th, 2014, 1:56 pm
by Muhammad Bilal
Assalam o alekum

From a few days my 2 months old Dahlia and Asters(Transplanted approximately 40 days ago in pots) dying suddenly. I pulled out death plant and observed that there roots are getting rot, means they are infecting by fungus that caused root rot. The potting soil is well drained and porous, loamy soil and I m so careful watering the plants, I applied water when 1'' of the upper soil gets dry, but instead adopting all precautions they are getting root rot. The problem is with transplanted plants only.

I hoe the soil and sprinkle cinnamon but it did not work, later than I sprayed "Mangozeb" (broad-spectrum fungicide) and also applied it with irrigation water but plants are still dying.

Can any one share his experience with such problem and his best organic and inorganic solution? plz

Thanks in anticipation.

Re: Root rot solution

Posted: June 14th, 2014, 5:04 am
by newton

Sorry to hear of your predicament. One of the things that I have found is few if any fungicides work, Its like botyritis in you may be able to save some of your more stronger plants if you remove any dead or dying leaves and improving aeration/circulation.

Basically the fungus is in the atmosphere and the soil and once the plant is stressed the fungus takes over ultimately causing its demise. It happens very quickly in soft fruits like grapes/strawberries and tender seedling plants.