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Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 12:10 pm
by Tahir Khan
Do save seeds of this beauty :)

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 12:49 pm
by Syed Adnan
Dear Heinie,

Wonderful collection! i like this technique to avoid heat burn , i do have the same problem here, most of the plants gets burn in prolong summer heat. Do share your plants and experience it is helping a lot. :mrgreen:

I have seen photos of Crinum Lutea , they are marvellous .

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 1:10 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Heinie wrote:Muhammad,
At 63 I am still planting seeds as I did 20 years ago. I always tell people that my wife has two phone numbers of friends that she must phone when I kick the bucket to collect the plants and share them at the clubs I belong to. No money must be involved because I never sell plant material but rather swaop or give away. You will be surprised how well that works and how fast a collection grows.

My growing is my hobby for retirement which I started about 30 years ago for today. I have a saying that "where money is involved, friendships are ruined".

On a lighter note, I hope you are older than me?
Exactly how I think, I am not twenty but only 17 years older than you, on my 80th birth day I resolved not to sow or plant any thing that will not bloom in 2-3 years.
For your interest, I think I have already collected enough headache.
List of my plants;

Fruit trees
Banana, Grape fruit, Imli, Jaman, Leeche, Lemon, Mango, Mulberry, Oranges, Papaya

Ornamental trees
Alexander Palms, Fish tail Palms, Fox tail Palm
Butea, Bottle brush, Brachichiton
Chorisia, Casia fistula (Ammaltas), // // X Bakariana , C-Nadosa
C Grandis, C Javanica, C glata
Michellia Champaca, Royal Paulownia, Straculia
Tabebuia carabia (yellow & white), Tabebuia Serratifolia (pink & yellow), // (Marwa like leaf)
Tulip tree, Terminalia
Allamanda cathartica, Bohaenia, Brunfelsia
Calliandra, Crosendra, Charistagali, Frangi Pani
Gardenia grandiflora, Gardenia Thunbergia, Gardenia Lucida
Hibiscus (tropical), Hibiscus (hardy), Ixora, Motias, Night Jasmin
Roses, Ruttya Fruticosa (Yellow with AYKhan)
Thunbergia Erecta, Tecoma, Oleander
Allamandas, Campsis, Clerodendrum, Combretum Coccineum
Cryptostegia Grandiflora Rubber vine, Mansoa Garlic vine, Petrea Volubilis, Pyrostegia venusta , Quisqualis Double, Senecio, Thunbergia Alba
Thunbergia Alata, Wisteria alba, Wistaria Sinensis, Youlang youlang, Chocolate vine, Camptosemma Grandiflora, Clamatis White, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Mucuna –Purple Jade vine, Macuna Beneti, Pandorea Jasmmnoide,Passiflora-Quadrangularis
Bignonia Caprolata, Passiflora Rubera
Adenium, Amazon lilies, Cannas, Dhatura, Day Lilies, Euphorbias, Gerberas, Ginger lily, Iris, Zantedeshia

Asiatic Lilies, Crinums, Eucrosia Bicolor, Hippeastrums, Hymenocallis, Haemanthus Multifloris, Lycoris, Narine, Pancratium , Rain Lilies,

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 1:19 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Muhammad Arif Khan wrote: on my 80th birth day I resolved not to sow or plant any thing that will not bloom in 2-3 years.
For your interest, I think I have already collected enough headache.
Is this because of loss of faith in life or effort available.??????? If it is the earlier, i will strongly contest it. The essence of gardening lies in the hope that there is tomorrow, irrespective of the fact, if tomorrow comes or not. But for someone else there will be always tomorrow to enjoy our blooms :-).....And frankly speaking i see a tinch of earlier as you are willing to go for early blooming plants.

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 3:25 pm
by Munir
Let me blow my own trumpet also. I am happy to be trailing along in 2nd place in years/age at 66 (any other claimant?) ,even if far behind in gardening knowhow, from both the Senior Veteran & the immediage age junior Heinie. Wish & hope to keep benefitting from them & also from all others in the Forum. God bless all !

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 4:15 pm
by Heinie
I read some wonderful quotes by some of my newly found friends afar. So much so that the forum sprung a leak and gave me the honour of a personal category for my plants. Thank you Farhan. Is there a predetermined space limit for the category?

You bring a tear to my eyes because I fully agree with what you say. We very recently lost a dear member of our Clivia club at the age of 108 and she planted her last seeds of Clivia two seasons ago before she went to an old age home. That is what I would like to do too no matter at what age I will be called upon.

Ismene and Paramongaia are from the same genus in the Amaryllidaceae family.

You have a lovely collection. Hopefully your wife also have some telephone numbers to call.

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 21st, 2013, 5:17 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
@Sir Heinie.
No limit sir. Rather we would be happy if you stress out our database limit :-)
she planted her last seeds of Clivia two seasons ago before she went to an old age home. That is what I would like to do too no matter at what age I will be called upon.
Lovely spirit

Re: Paramongaia weberbaueri

Posted: August 24th, 2013, 6:17 am
by aykhan
This truly is an exotic one. You're explanation of the two pot theory makes sense. However, like Brig Arif said, here the two months on temps unto 45-47 do restrict us quite a bit. The rest of the year is manageable.