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Re: Will Brazil's Fiery Bees Reach the U.S.?

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 11:06 am
by M Farooq
Thank you for your appreciation. Interested readers may try a homeopathic pesticide. May be it works. If you have tried a certain substance and if it works you should share the results with the rest.

With that my tiny request is that all of us decrease our sensitivity level please...being here for a while I noticed that we as educated Pakistanis are very sensitive and take trivial things to our hearts. This is the fourth or fifth such incident. Even the follow up post to the non-gardening issue is a suggestion and a personal view. I did not find anything offensive in it. Actually there some good suggestions that we should add some originality to the posts.

Everyone has the right to express their views. It does mean that someone is a persona non grata...because few posts are out of the gardening area. I will quote a personal example, when we send our research work to journals for publication, three anonymous people review the work and send back their comments. The reviews range from being really harsh to very applauding comments. One person may clearly hint to reject that work, and for others it might be acceptable for publication. If two people say it is acceptable, the editor usually decides in favour of the majority. Despite those harsh comments, the eventual result is in the improvement of the work once we take emotions out of those comments. Does that mean I should stop reading that journal or anything published in there if one reviewer gave harsh comments? Should I stop submitting my work to that journal again? May be, the next time I would submit a better quality work to the same journal!

Lets bury the hatchet...and now I am getting off-topic and lets get back to the gardening talk.