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Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 10th, 2014, 11:26 pm
by I Khan
Dear Karachi Gardeners,

I and I'm sure other amateur gardeners would be really interested in knowing what all you are planning to sow and when. If you care to share your plans, it would be most helpful :)

As for myself I'm in the middle of planning and plotting for both flowers and vegetables.

Looking forward to input from all seaside gardeners :D



Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 9:19 am
by Izhar
Well, i am sowing following by October:

1) Nemesia (saved seeds)
2) Begonia 'Fairyland Mixed' (T&M seeds)
3) Tomato "Ildi" (T&M seeds)
4) Shirley Poppy (saved seeds)
5) Peony Poppy (saved seeds)
6) Heliopsis 'Golden Double Hybrids' (T&M seeds)
7) Centranthus 'Star Ruber Mixed' (T&M seeds)
8) Aubrieta 'T&M Mixed Hybrids' (T&M seeds)
9) Tithonia (Local seeds)

Soil preparation will start by end of September with lots of well rotted manure mixed in beds along with peat and sulfur powder...

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 10:18 am
by Mustansir Billah
I am sowing seeds of the following plants in October(InShaAllah):-
1. Brinjal.
2. Tomato.
3. Dianthus.
4. Cosmos bipinnatus and Cosmos giant mix.
5. Bells.
6. Petunia.
7. Mesembry anthemum.
8. Marigold African and French.
9. Cineria.
10. Hollyhocks.
11. Verbena.
12. Gazania.
13. Rudbeckia.
14. Amberboa Muricata.
15. Maybe Dahlia.

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 11th, 2014, 11:50 pm
by I Khan
I'm thinking of sowing some Perennials in a few days, in a shady covered spot. Am double minded should I wait or not, they are all TM seeds:

Glory Lily
Liatris/Blazing Star
Snail Vine
Fatsia Japonica

The rest in Oct again all TM seeds, went a little overboard as last year I wasn't able to do much (God help me) :D :
Petunia Blueberry Lime
Pansy Black Moon
Tidy Tips
Madia elegans

(I'm going to be getting seedlings for others)

And Vegs and Herbs ofcourse
Tomato, Cucumber, Kakri, Parsley, Radish, Iceberg, Red Cabbage, Spinach.

I'm still in the plannings stages, and hope to try a few new things this time in the garden.

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 12th, 2014, 11:31 am
by Izhar
Dont sow snail vine as it will become dormant in winter and may not survive due to small size... sow it in February end next year...

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 14th, 2014, 2:01 am
by I Khan
Thanks for the advice Izhar. Next year it is for Snail Vine.

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 17th, 2014, 8:02 pm
by I Khan
(I cant see the reply I just posted so am posting it again) Travel plans put me out of Karachi from end September to end October, the prime sowing season. My question is should I sow now before I go or do so once I come back for the list given above.

Need advice as I am very double minded on what to do.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 18th, 2014, 10:03 am
by Izhar
sow your seeds just before you leave... mark them... keep these in an area which gets shade noon... tell your mali to water them with fine spray and twice a day... especially in morning..

Re: Karachi Gardeners, When & What are you Sowing?

Posted: September 18th, 2014, 11:57 am
by I Khan
Thanks Izhar.