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Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 2nd, 2013, 2:26 pm
by Kaiser
I find it interesting, posting the link explaining the subject matter.

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 2nd, 2013, 8:37 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Work with locally available materials only.

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 2nd, 2013, 9:17 pm
by dragoonsers
I agree with mr.arif .. No need for verm or perlite .. Potting mix was made so that soil is free draining, doesn't dry out easily and is lightweight. Simply using ballu mitti, home-made compost and rotted manure, a very good mix can be made which works wonderfully in general for all plants. If really fussy, adding cocopeat can make it lighter. But in a humid climate like karachi, where putting it loosely, fungi thrive, cocopeat makes the soil too wet leading to rot imo. So point being, use what you can find easily and cheaply. Just think k for decades, our people have grown amazing plants in pots without per or verm, still getting amazing results!

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 2nd, 2013, 10:19 pm
by Kaiser
I agree with both of you my friends and thank you dragoonsers for explaining it very well. I had posted this link particularly for those who might be interested to know a difference between Vermiculite vs Perlite.

Let me share here the recipes i am following for more or less all of my plants doing all fine. 1 part cow manure + 3 part bhal(sand) I always put a layer of crushed marble at container base and cover it with a thin layer of coir for undisturbed drainage.

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 9:43 am
by Izhar
Kaiser, here is a post by Brig. sb. (Muhammad Arif Khan)... he is the most experienced among us and using the locally available stuff with good results.. do read the discussion till end..
Happy gardening :)

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 11:11 am
by Kaiser
Thank you Izhar, I followed the linked.

Mr. Arif has mentioned their few Mixes ratios and he asked for Mr. Gulzar's technical opinion that is still missing their. So to the fortune of all of us seeking appropriate mixes most suitable to our respective weather conditions, lets see when Mr. Gulzar can opt in and post his opinion in response to Mr. Arif query.

There a beautiful Chinese proverb - "All gardeners know better than other gardeners". Isn't it so true ? Happy learning & Happy Gardening :-)

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 11:21 am
by Izhar
did you read his post on page no.3 ?

Re: Vermiculite vs Perlite

Posted: January 3rd, 2013, 11:42 am
by Kaiser
Izhar, I didnt noticed other pages, I'll do that later at evening, got to be at work now.
Kind regards to you and to Mr. Arif.