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Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 10:56 am
by Izhar
After getting information from our member hnasir, i decided to buy a M. figo, the plant is said to be good for warm climates and famous for its ripe banana like fragrance..

My plant is in good shape and new leaves are forming.. hope it does grow with me, need experiences of other members who have it:


Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 11:09 am
by khabbab
Yes its a morning sun only plant in lahore. I notices it hates transplant even if you think you did not disturb any roots. It is a shallow rooting plant and slow growing as well so no need to put it in deep pot. It does need humidity in air. When i bought mine it was very dark green, more greener than yours and less compact and had no buds, it was in full shade. I put it in morning sun and i also put a clay plate full of water stuck between michelias and gardenias. Now i can see buds forming on it. It needs same level of acidity as gardenias i.e. 5 - 6. So i have amended the soil with little peat moss and some f.sulfate and a pinch of sulfur.

There are few cultivars of figo with different flower colors, lets hope we get to see them soon in pakistan :)

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 11:18 am
by Izhar
Thank you for your suggestions.. i am not putting it in ground now, may be once I see fresh white feeder roots coming out of the base of pot then i'll decide..

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 11:22 am
by mikhurram
Izhar, this is a very over-rated plant for its fragrance. One has to literally sniff it close to detect its fragrance which even at close quarters is extremely mild and blooms are sparse.

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 11:24 am
by Izhar
Nahiiii..... aisa mat bolain Imran sb....

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 11:42 am
by khabbab
mikhurram wrote:Izhar, this is a very over-rated plant for its fragrance. One has to literally sniff it close to detect its fragrance which even at close quarters is extremely mild and blooms are sparse.
Please see the image of this plant posted by Dr Amir on the forum. It is loaded with buds and I will not call it "sparse" blooming :) I cannot comment on fragrance level as no personal experience but i know it is one of world's most fragrant plants as specified on this famous thread of gardenweb on most fragrant plants by ranking ... by-ranking


Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 8:25 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
mine is growing in full shade and in ordinary problem at all...survives even in drought condition.but blooms only in march april with very few blooms...flower size is very small and fragrance can be felt only by plucking flower and keeping it close to nose as mikhuram sb said...but i will admit that fragrance is out of this world...flower life is also very short...if plucked from plant withers in two hours.

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 20th, 2015, 10:17 pm
by mikhurram
Hammad you have summed it up very nicely. My experience is the same. Though when the buds appear the impression one gets is that they all would bloom which sadly is not the case.

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 21st, 2015, 9:42 am
by Izhar
Dear both kindly post your plants pictures.... hope it behaves better in Karachi mentioned in other websites.. :mrgreen:

Re: Magnolia figo/Michelia figo

Posted: May 21st, 2015, 11:34 am
by Raja_Qaiser
How much did u pay Izhar bahi? Sunday i went nursuries only 1 nursury has got this and price of same plant size as ur is was 2500Rps.
Fragrence was no doubt very Good.