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Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 17th, 2013, 6:04 pm
I have a orange jasmine plant and just recently after blooming, fruits has started to take thier place. They are green in color now. To get maximum flowers I cut down all of them from their tip and left only one bunch to see them get ripe. I think they will acquire bright red color and once they do will I be able to make a new plant out of it? What procedure would be required? germinating the seed etc? Plus what are its uses? are they edible?
Also, as I have mentioned that I cut them down from the tip, was it the right way to do so? or I should have plucked them out istead of cutting them off?

P.s: My english is weak, so feel free to mention and correct any grammatical mistake I may have done above.
Thank You

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 4:13 pm
by Hamad
P.s: My english is weak, so feel free to mention and correct any grammatical mistake I may have done above.
Thank You
Maddy don't you worry for your English its perfectly fine and great, this is a gardening forum not an English class ;) :) , we are not going to point out your English mistakes my friend as we all commit many mistakes because English is not our first language :) :) .

feel free to talk on gardening my friend and gardening has no language, even you can write in Urdu or roman Urdu if you feel like :) :)

and now regarding your question I m afraid I would not be able to help :cry: as I have not experienced this plant before, but I hope our members would be able to guide you.

Happy Gardening my friend :)


Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 5:40 pm
by Izhar
1) Your Orange Jasmine can be Murraya paniculata or Murraya exotica
2) The seeds pod contain 2 large seeds usually
3) They are ripe when turn completely red, do not eat them
4) Seeds do not store well and should be sown as early as possible
5) One part balu matti mix with One part well rotted manure is good mix to start them
6) Slow grower in start
7) Pinch the new growth to make plant bushier
8) It blooms year round in Karachi

My Murraya exotica (2011 picture):


Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 11:44 pm
by M Farooq
M MADDY wrote:Assalam-o-Alaikum
I have a orange jasmine plant and just recently after blooming, fruits has started to take thier place. They are green in color now. To get maximum flowers I cut down all of them from their tip and left only one bunch to see them get ripe. I think they will acquire bright red color and once they do will I be able to make a new plant out of it? What procedure would be required? germinating the seed etc? Plus what are its uses? are they edible?
Also, as I have mentioned that I cut them down from the tip, was it the right way to do so? or I should have plucked them out istead of cutting them off?
WSA, Could you post the pictures of your plants please? Izhar sb has already posted the picture. I believe that you are referring to the same plant. I have grown the Murraya (orange jasmine) from seeds. The tips have already been mentioned but the only drawback, in my opinion, was that the Murraya grows very slowly. Sow as many seeds as you can - the germination rate is not high (many seeds fail).
More pictures here:

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 23rd, 2013, 12:04 pm
@ Hammad Bhai, here's a (like) for your warm welcoming reply :)

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 23rd, 2013, 12:15 pm
- My Murraya Paniculata (<--almost sure) is a bit bigger than the one Sir Izhar posted and yet it don't have as much blooms as your's, Sir.
- I will post the pictures ASAP Sir M Farooq.
- I left only one bunch of fruit on my plant for it to turn red. It had been 3 weeks, they are still green.
- Thank you Sir Izhar for Step by step instructions, most appreciated. Just one thing, about that pinching part, how do I pinch the new growth?

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 23rd, 2013, 12:43 pm
by Izhar
Just remove the tip of new growth, it will make the plant to produce side branches... the more branches.. the more blooms you will get...

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: December 24th, 2013, 9:47 am
Ohkie got it, thank you.

and here is the picture,
DSCN8383i.jpg (168.62 KiB) Viewed 9573 times

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: May 20th, 2017, 9:57 am
by sanasara
i have some orange jasmine seeds i purchase it from china can you please help me how to plant it and which month is good for planting seeds.

Re: Sowing Orange Jasmine Seeds

Posted: June 7th, 2017, 12:33 pm
by Izhar
Sow now.. in fresh soil.. cover them half inch with soil.. they germinate in 15-20 days..