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Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 8th, 2017, 11:55 am
by ali28

I am from Lahore and new to gardening. My lawn previously has just Jasmine (Motia), Norfolk Island Pine (whatever its called locally, I guess Aerocaria), a malta tree, another Jasmine (Motia), and have planted grapefruit, guava and lemon shrub.

Still I want it filled with plants. First I was thinking of putting in pots but for some reasons (here: roses) I am planning (as a newbie) to grow Daffodils, Roses and if I get it all right Tulips (though I am being way too optimistic there).

The hanging vines are decided to be Queen’s wreath, Clitoria ternatea, Quisqualis indica and Morning Glory.

Right now I have tonnes of problems. Our lawn hadn’t been served at all in all the years, its infected with ants (kaki kiri, and kada mada lol). Apart from it we’ve had a plot dug up next door so we decided to take in some of the soil from it, though we got late as always and wasn’t given the best of the best dug from atleast 20 feet.

As such I don’t see any problem with the saim (what’s it called in english? - saim and thor).

I am planning to get all the soil getting out (2-feet away from trees). Get the soil filtered with wire mesh (Chan-na-na).

As I will be putting in so much the effort, I am looking for the right amount of compost, what kind of compost, where to get it, what’s the ratio, is ravi ki sand the sand used in gardening literature? and if so how much of the ratio is needed to be put in the mix. What else should be put beneath the excavation (hay straws?, bhoosa?)

And how much is that the whole mixture is going to cost me if I decide to the soil test from the lab and where can I find a good lab.

Please also refer to me some good titles for a newbie gardeners if that has helped you in our country’s context.

I may seem insane specially at this level compared to the experience of a lots of people here, but I have grown some very strange obsession to grow tulips. They say that’ll be available in November this year. Any ideas? Red and whites.

I will be very thankful to your answers.


Re: Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 8th, 2017, 12:34 pm
by Izhar
Use old cow manure and leaf compost... two inch thick layer on soil is good for most of the plants... once in every four-six months is good...

Re: Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 8th, 2017, 1:26 pm
by ali28
Thank you so much for reply Izhar sb, I have very deep respect for you and the work you are carrying out here.

Can you please elaborate on as to put it (cow manure powdered and leaf compost) over the soil or mix it with the soil. As far as I am getting the idea the ratio will come out to be 10:90 or should it be more than that?

Re: Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 8th, 2017, 2:58 pm
by Izhar
spread it over soil evenly.. make a 2 inch thick layer... for the first time mix it in the upper 3-4 inches of soil, after that only top dress and water...

Re: Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 8th, 2017, 7:35 pm
by ali28
I'm sorry but I think I am getting no idea of how it is going to be done. See the youtube has made us even dumber. I've seen videos where the guy is planting some tomatoes and he's doing it all in the compost. If there's sand and soil or silt I can't see it.

Will it be possible for you and I will be forever thankful to you for pointing to my first step towards gardening if you could post a few pictures of the surface. Shouldn't be yours but just so that I have an idea.

While we are on this topic, and the compost thing is sorted out, can you please also tell me how can I get rid of ants, I'm having a very terrible situation. The big black ants go all the way to malta tree and suck the from the new leaves (I guess I'll need to grab a hold of some spray guy from local nursery).

The problem is that they make (big black ants and small brown ants the ones which are very fast) colonies on my garden bed. And despite I spray their colonies after every 2-3 days with DDT spray (Mortien) they keep coming back, relocate their location.

Today I visited a local nursery and the guy was giving me a chemical from Scion chemicals for 400 rupees a bottle. He says that its good to make 7-8 liters and I can shower it with the showering pot. I'll need to do it 3 times in a month and I'll hopefully get rid of it.

The problem is that the guy looked fake to me. Do you have any solution to this problem?

Re: Garden Overhaul

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 3:12 pm
by Izhar
Regent of Bayer is good for termite and ants... spread soil evenly and put old manure on it.. its very simple.. our region's soil is very fertile and it is good for cultivating any plant...