Roses A joy A headache

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Muhammad Arif Khan
Posts: 4323
Joined: April 14th, 2011, 1:01 pm

Roses A joy A headache

Post by Muhammad Arif Khan »

To a gardener his plants are his wards if they are healthy and happy so is the gardener and if they are not healthy it depresses him.
For me the roses are a joy in the spring and a headache for the rest of the year. They give me the impression that they are not happy with me. How can I be happy if my wards are not happy. I have to constantly remove the suckers which keep coming throughout the year. Aphids love to attack the buds so you must use some insecticide which will also kill the friendly population of the garden, Throughout the year you must spray fungicide/insecticide
to the sickly looking plants.

I have decided to grow only own rooted roses and select only disease resistant varieties. No more headaches Roses only on my terms.

This winter I am going to plant stem cuttings of selected few, please advise me how to go about it?
Should I plant them in the ground or in individual bags or pots ? What media to use and any other relevant information.
Posts: 775
Joined: February 20th, 2013, 2:07 pm
Country: Pakistan
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Gardening Interests: Roses, Plants in natural habitat, native plants, landscaping
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Re: Roses A joy A headache

Post by KBW »

Muhammad Arif Khan wrote: I have decided to grow only own rooted roses and select only disease resistant varieties. No more headaches Roses only on my terms.

This winter I am going to plant stem cuttings of selected few, please advise me how to go about it?
Should I plant them in the ground or in individual bags or pots ? What media to use and any other relevant information.
Sir this is a very good decision. Own roots take a slow start but in the long run, are more productive and hardy. Grafted grow fast in the beginning but have a relatively short life, one has to take care of suckers all the time and are relatively delicate. Therefore ownroot or grafted is a matter of choice, but whatever type one may choose, it should be a hardy disease resistant cultivar which is capable of surviving well in our environment.

I would recommend you spend some time in the rose data base which has entries for numerous roses along with the comments of the members regarding good / bad performance of certain roses for various areas of Pakistan, supported with pictures at most places. The ultimate height and width is also given which will help you in landscaping.

For cuttings, I would suggest you visit friends like Dr A Y Khan, Rafique sb etc and a few nurseries even (if the owner is well known and doesn't mind you taking cuttings of his beloved roses :) ) in december and take healthy stem cutting of roses which have the record of performing well and are not very susceptible to diseases. Though ground is a better option in my view but you can use a combination of plantation in the ground as well as pots. May use harmone rooting powder while planting. By spring 2015 your roses should be good. Keep dead heading the occasional buds during 2014.

Soil preparation is extremely important. Please ensure very good drainage and may have the raised beds if possible. Ensure proper pH levl (between 6-7) Frequent use of pesticides makes the roses (any plants for that matter) weak and less capable of fighting the disease at its own, besides having very harmful environmental effects. Let the roses develop an immune system of their own. You may use organic method and avoid pesticides to the last extent. Last year, except on one odd extreme occasion, I did not use any chemical pesticides on my roses and used the organic methods mostly. My roses survived very well and fought the diseases at their own and with the help of their fellow insects who flourished well due to no use of chemical pesticides (lady birds, spiders etc). Just like human beings, healthy plants don't get sick very often and weak plants / plants with defeciancies will always keep getting sick, one way or the other.

Best of luck Sir. I can tell you it wont be that difficult. :D
Muhammad Arif Khan
Posts: 4323
Joined: April 14th, 2011, 1:01 pm

Re: Roses A joy A headache

Post by Muhammad Arif Khan »

Thank you KBW
Posts: 188
Joined: October 18th, 2012, 11:45 am
Country: Pakistan
City: Karachi
Gardening Interests: Horticultural specially roses and interest in fragrant and bulbous plants
Location: Karachi

Re: Roses A joy A headache

Post by riaz »

True, Roses A joy A headache :-)
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