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Posted: December 9th, 2012, 9:50 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
I have decided to cultivate own root roses only.
Help me with your experience.
The best time to take and plant cuttings?
Any pre-planting treatment of cuttings?
The ideal Medium and container?
Any special after care?
I will be obliged


Posted: December 9th, 2012, 1:12 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Sir one week back i tried cuttings. I took green/semi green cuttings of about 6 inches(around 1 cm width) and just poked them in the ground at a shady spot. Covered it with plastic and ensured that soil stays moist.

And wallah today i am seeing new buds appearing. No hormone, no special soil(ordinary garden/sandy soil). May be beginners luck


Posted: December 9th, 2012, 1:48 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Frankly speaking it was my first attempt with the cuttings and i deemed that most probably i will fail. Therefore i poked atleast 15 cuttings in a 1x1 Ft area(also due unavailability of space) which is my concern now as transplanting so closely located cuttings can be futile. The ones i planted in partial shade are not showing any buds.






Posted: December 9th, 2012, 5:27 pm
by aykhan
Sirji I have the same questions.

Need some expert opinion from Rosarians on the forum. Lahore these days is having a pretty mild winter. I would like to take rose cuttings (not desi roses). My experience so far is that my own-root roses are performing much better than most grafted ones wth few exceptions. Since I'll be out of town end of Dec to mid of Jan I am wondering:

When is the best time would be to take these cuttings - before I leave ie in another week or 10 days or when I come back ie mid-Jan?

Best soil mixture for cuttings?

Place them in part-sun or shade?

Keep them moist all times or slightly on dry side?


Posted: December 9th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by aykhan
Farhan were these desi gulab cuttings you took or waleyti gulab?


Posted: December 9th, 2012, 5:48 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
From these not desi



Posted: December 9th, 2012, 9:27 pm
own root roses are best like u don,t have to worry about the graft union,no suckers & very disease resistant.take cuttings now.dip in rooting harmone powder.plant it in any good well drained soil the pot in shady location.don,t move the pot in full sun cause the summer sun ends up the very successful the following season transplant in final rows which recives full sun.some varieties like iceberg,century ii or Queen Elizabeth will easily propegate from thing very intresting & it may be because of temps.once i planted cuttings of English rose(by english i don,t mean only D.As) at Bahawalpur.all the cuttings reverted back to the wild root stock.but here at Mardan the cuttings never revert back.i think its because of the temps.
please keep in mind don,t remove all leaves.the leaves stimulate rooting.only remove from that area which you will dip in the soil.
Once you dip the cuttings keep the soil mist but not four or five sticks & place a plastic you are like placing the cuttings in small green house.the plastic sheets make humidity & so the soil will be moist at all time.friends enjoy your roses.


Posted: December 10th, 2012, 7:22 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
To: Brig. M Arif Khan
[*]This letter from ARS Master Rosarian Will be of interest to some, it answers all my questions.

Dear Arif
In warm winter climates the graft or bud junction can be planted above
ground. In cold winter areas the bud union should be planted below the 4-6
inches below the soil for protection from freezing. The bud union is the
weak point on a grafted rose. Any moisture that may form between the
slightly dissimilar tissues of the root stock and grafted portion can freeze
in winter and cause them to separate. If the bond is broken, the preferred
rose (top portion above the graft) would have no way to get moisture and
die. Below the soil surface the temperatures seldom get much below freezing,
protecting the bud union. Planted below the soil surface , that portion of
cane under ground will form roots and eventually you'll have an own root
Most roses are grafted because it's economically less expensive to propagate
roses that way. Each bud on a cane, if grafted to a root stock, will make a
new bush, whereas a piece of cane required for a rooted cutting takes 3-4
buds. One bush or 3-4? Which makes more sense to a producer?
A grafted rose can be sent to market in two years while a rooted cutting
takes up to three years to reach the same size and produce as well.
For large scale growers, grafting is less expensive and produces more. For
small growers who can take time and economy of scale is not important,
rooting cuttings is easier.
The spray you mentioned is very toxic and seldom used here in the U.S. We
have products that are less toxic and are sprayed according to the
directions on the label. If your product has a label, follow that, If not
I'd most likely spray once a week or 10 days. If that doesn't work, increase
frequency. Be careful in hot temperatures as many mixtures, especially those
containing an oil, can burn leaves.
I don't recommend insecticides. I haven sprayed one in 9 years. Nature
provides predatory insects. They, along with birds, keep any destructive
insects under control. Insecticides are very non selective and kill
everything they contact, including the good predatory insects. Before they
return they must have food, the bad insects. Therefore you'll have damage,
then good insects, then you spray, kill everything, and start the cycle all
over again.
Laws in various countries mean you may not have the same products available
that we do. It would be difficult for me to recommend a product you don't
have access to.
Send me the names and active ingredient of those you have available and I'll
tell you what might work.
Cuttings from actively growing canes root best. Flowers form on actively
growing canes, so take your cuttings from canes with spent flowers. Spring
is the best time for soft wood cuttings. Hardwood cuttings can be taken
Remember, Products available to me may not be available in Pakistan.
Plant your roses in rich soil, provide good fertilizer, manure is really
good as it feeds the rose and enriches the soil. Roses like lots of water,
so water deeply and often but don't let them sit in water or the roots will
rot. They need good drainage. Roses do best with a minimum of 6 hours of
sunlight daily. Once established, full sun is OK.
Real Men Grow Roses,
Never enough Roses,
Take time to STOP and smell the Roses,
and Don't sweat the small stuff.
Karl Bapst (Rosenut)
ARS Master Rosarian.


Posted: December 13th, 2012, 4:56 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
My own root roses;

The flower


The bush


The flower


The bush


I would be planting many cuttings soon, it is the container i cant decide.
Any advice?


Posted: December 13th, 2012, 9:41 pm
by fa113nang311
two weeks ago i bought 9 rose vines at 25 rs per vine. i think they r better than the plants....