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New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 16th, 2016, 5:09 pm
by amrat12
Hello, I'm new here.
I'm from Defence Phase 7-EXT, Karachi.
I've recently developed interest for roses! :P
So basically I need your help in growing them strong and healthy as I don't know a thing about them mostly! :)
I've 6 roses plotted in different pots(Big sized ones). Bought 5 from nurseries recently and got 1 from our village last year that has recently started to give flowers. All of them have cow manure in the pot and were sprayed with fungicide today(shown in pics too).
I've few questions, roses don't last long. Hardly 2-3 days. The petals of pink rose(shown in picture) gets black from edges and starts falling. While the red ones last around 3 days which I think is less.
I'll keep on buying roses and increase my collection.
Next roses in my list are:
- A white one
- Yellow one
- Peach colored
- Purple
- Last but not the least, a blue one.
I know blue ones aren't all blue they just have some shade but I want it. Our maali told me he saw a blue one at a nursery near sea view. Went there but all of them were sold out. Nursery owner told me they'll be here by Monday, so can't wait to see how they look! :D
Thankyou! :)
Note: Please rotate the pics.

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 10:55 am
by Izhar
Please post "IMG codes for forums" for the images to appear here...

Why fungicide??

Please do refer to my posts on growing roses in Karachi... will be happy to reply your queries..

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 2:25 pm
by amrat12
Sprayed them with fungicide because all of them were new plants bought from nursery, some of them had those infamous black spots. So just removed all the infected leaves and got them sprayed with it.
What is IMG codes?
Yes, I've been going through your post since 2-3 days, didn't knew anything but now I'm a bit aware of roses. Just destroyed one sucker today after reading your posts! :D
Thanks! :)

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 2:30 pm
by amrat12
Izhar wrote:Please post "IMG codes for forums" for the images to appear here...

Why fungicide??

Please do refer to my posts on growing roses in Karachi... will be happy to reply your queries..
And I don't know much about fertilizers, is it important to feed them with fertilizers? I really don't want to get in this mess and kill it with over feeding!
I brought one rose from our village last year, haven't fed it with any fertilizer except for khaad/manure, today my rose collection has grown to 10 plants(still increasing) and it is the most healthiest rose plant currently! :)
Oh and, why do my post needs to be approved by moderator all the time? I've to wait 2 days to get my post posted!

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 2:50 pm
by amrat12
And one more thing, roses that bloom gets black edges on their petals same day!
I mean a flower that has just opened up has got black edges withing hours. Why is that?

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 3:04 pm
by Izhar
Kindly refer to this topic link for posting images, please edit/rotate your images before posting: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2290

We kept a check of approval for first few posts of new users in-order to stop spamming.

Good khaad which has no smell is the best fertilizer for potted roses.. but a little additional fertilizer will make them grow and bloom better.. if your rose flowers dont remain healthy and their petals burns then your soil is deficient in absrobable Calcium.... take shells of 5-6 eggs, keep in hot oven for 15 mins, cool them and crush them.. add 1/4 cup of vinegar keep it for 1 hour at least then mix with 2 litre water.. give this solution to your roses..

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 5:38 pm
by amrat12
Izhar wrote:Kindly refer to this topic link for posting images, please edit/rotate your images before posting: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2290

We kept a check of approval for first few posts of new users in-order to stop spamming.

Good khaad which has no smell is the best fertilizer for potted roses.. but a little additional fertilizer will make them grow and bloom better.. if your rose flowers dont remain healthy and their petals burns then your soil is deficient in absrobable Calcium.... take shells of 5-6 eggs, keep in hot oven for 15 mins, cool them and crush them.. add 1/4 cup of vinegar keep it for 1 hour at least then mix with 2 litre water.. give this solution to your roses..
I've told my mali, he'll bring a fertilizer tomorrow.
But the reason he gave me for petals turning black is that these bushes are brought from Punjab, they are kinda addicted to Punjab's water, weather etc.
When they come to Karachi, their place changes, weather changes, too much humidity here, plus salty water and "samandari hawa". Some grow and most die due to this.
Well Sir, if you could, can you please post a little guide for roses in Karachi for people like me who are beginners and don't understand most of the things like fertilizer etc. I mean basics such as watering, sun light, etc.
Thanks! :)

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 18th, 2016, 5:52 pm
by amrat12

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 19th, 2016, 9:27 am
by Izhar
Roses must get 6 hours direct sunlight to grow and bloom well... if the "samandri hawa" "salty water" and humidity were the limiting factors then how come nurseries have big blooming bushes?? these things do effect but maalis usually exaggerate them... roses dont like strong winds continuously...

Re: New to roses and gardening!

Posted: January 19th, 2016, 10:45 am
by amrat12
Izhar wrote:Roses must get 6 hours direct sunlight to grow and bloom well... if the "samandri hawa" "salty water" and humidity were the limiting factors then how come nurseries have big blooming bushes?? these things do effect but maalis usually exaggerate them... roses dont like strong winds continuously...
Thanks A lot! :)
I need little help again, I bought another rose plant yesterday, now today the flowers are blooming and I can see some tiny insects on the petals plus the petals have some little burnt black spots on them! HELP!
Should I spray fungicide on it? If yes like on whole plant or the soil? And do I have to clean the plant afterwards so that it doesn't burn the leaves?