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Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 23rd, 2016, 9:48 pm
by Izhar
Growing roses in hot and humid regions is difficult and gardeners often complain that roses are difficult plants, especially in summers when they are in miserable shape..

Roses are no doubt demanding plants and you have to do all things right in-order to keep them happy, during the past two years we came to know via Facebook that roses can be grown in hot/humid climate with great success.. I have been pursuing such rosarians since long but they don’t share any of their secrets… However, with continuous efforts I was able to get some information in growing roses in SOIL-LESS medium… yes, their success is basically growing roses in mediums which doesn't contains soil…


There are many potting mix which do not contains soil. Mainly the ingredients are:
1. Peat
2. Perlite
3. Vermicultie
4. Pine bark
5. Coco chunks
6. Coco coir
7. Rice Husk/Rice Husk Ash
8. Coal cinder

Successful rosarians use the last three of the above mentioned. There are different recipes, which are as follows:

1) Coco coir 80 percent + Vermicompost 10 percent + Bone meal 10 percent
2) Rice Husk 90 percent + Vermicompost 10 percent
3) Coal Cinder 90 percent + Vermicompost 10 percent

The best of above three is the 3rd one, Coal cinders are spent coal which is a waste products of coal power plants. Roses are planted in these mediums are bare-rooted. No soil should be present on the roots, all the leaves and buds should be stripped off the plant, the plant should be trimmed to 12 inches maximum length..

Mix No. 2 & 3 should be watered 2-4 times daily, mix no. 1 should be watered every second day.. water should be given till it come out of the drainage hole. After 15 days, new growth will start appearing. Now it is time for fertilizing.


1. Ammonium Sulfate= 50 gm
2. Potassium Sulfate= 40 gm
3. Magnesium Sulfate= 50 gm
4. Super Phosphate= 200 gm
5. Micronutrients mix= 7 gm
2 gm of this mix per plant per week for 6 months after planting...

1. Ammonium Sulfate= 340 gm
2. Potassium Nitrate= 200 gm
3. Magnesium Sulfate= 180 gm
4. Super Phosphate= 150 gm
5. Micronutrients mix= 20 gm
2 gm of this mix per plant twice a week for 6 months after first elapse of first 6 months after planting..

1. Ammonium Sulfate= 325 gm
2. Potassium Sulfate= 50 gm
3. Potassium Nitrate= 100 gm
4. Magnesium Sulfate= 127 gm
5. Super Phosphate= 290 gm
6. Copper Sulfate= 23 gm
7. Zinc Nitrate= 7 gm
8. Micronutrients mix= 24 gm
2 gm of this mix per plant alternate day always

3 ml Sulfuric acid in 10 litre water, drench each plant with one litre water weekly.

Plants could be started in 6 inch pot and change to 12 inch after 6 months and keep it in this pot... Micronutrients must be chelated..

I haven't tried it myself but would be doing it inshaAllah…

(Photo courtesy: Honorable Sanjoy Mukherjee of Kolkata)

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 23rd, 2016, 10:53 pm
by hnasir
Ready when you are Izhar bhai! :ugeek:

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 1:54 am
by Umair
Very informative. Nice Effort Izhar Sb

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Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 7:23 am
by M Farooq
I have never seen such healthy roses! Nice to know these approaches. What is the reason for avoiding any soil?

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 9:59 am
by Izhar
M Farooq wrote:I have never seen such healthy roses! Nice to know these approaches. What is the reason for avoiding any soil?
Whenever I had discussion about their technique of rose pot culture, they always start "first focus on root development"... rose grow well in soil initially but with passage of time the soil starts compacting and root growth is affected.. roots start to grow outside the pot more rather then inside...

Not only roses but other plants even annuals could be grown to excellence, look at these Celosia from a facebook friend in Kolkata:




Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 10:07 am
by Syed Adnan
Very interesting topic .....

Such a massive growth and Blooms in a small pot is astonishing.

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 10:20 am
by Izhar
Another friend has started it as experiment last year, he is using coco coir based medium... look at the lovely vegetative growth of his plant right now:


Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 10:22 am
excellent plants and excellent revelation for us.

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 11:58 am
by khabbab
Interesting. But using something like Coco coir 80 percent will lead to over moisture and lack of oxygen to roots and possibly root rot, no ?

Re: Roses in soil-less medium

Posted: May 24th, 2016, 12:06 pm
by Izhar
khabbab wrote:Interesting. But using something like Coco coir 80 percent will lead to over moisture and lack of oxygen to roots and possibly root rot, no ?
No Sir, water only when the top becomes dry...