Hibiscus rosa-chinesis (& Varieties)

Database of Endemic & Garden Plants of Pakistan

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Hamad Ahmed Kisana
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Hibiscus rosa-chinesis (& Varieties)

Post by Hamad Ahmed Kisana »

Botanical Name Hibiscus rosa-chinesis
Family Malvaceae
Genus Hibiscus
Local Name in Urdu
Common Name hibiscus
Life Cycle both annual and perennial
Cultivar Name ABC
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) woody shrubs and small trees
Height 4-10 ft
Spacing 36 in
Flowering Months Mid Summer
Late Summer/Early Fall
Flower Color mixed
Growing Areas hot areas
Frost Tender yes
Exposure full sun
Soil pH 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
Propagation By dividing the rootball
From herbaceous stem cuttings and air layring
Uses ornamental plant
Other Details Hibiscus are large shrubs or small trees that produce huge, colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers over a long season. Other common names include Chinese hibiscus and tropical hibiscus.Hibiscus are deciduous shrubs with dark green leaves; the plants can grow to 15 feet tall . Flowers may be up to 6 inches diameter, with colors ranging from yellow to peach to red. Hibiscus can be planted singly or grown as a hedge plant; they can also be pruned into a single-stemmed small tree. The flowers are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.They like to be constantly moist, but not wet. Feed twice a month during the growing season and prune as necessary to control plant size and cut back errant branches. Cut branches back to just above a side shoot. Hibiscus are sensitive to cold and should be protected when temperatures dip into the 30s; container-grown plants should be brought indoors. Check plants periodically for pests such as aphids, white flies, and mealybugs. Use a horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to control these pests.
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