Senecio confusus

Database of Endemic & Garden Plants of Pakistan

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Hamad Ahmed Kisana
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Joined: November 23rd, 2012, 6:36 pm
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Location: Sheikhupura,Pakistan

Senecio confusus

Post by Hamad Ahmed Kisana »

Botanical Name Senecio confusus,Pseudogynoxis chenopodiodes
Family Asteraceae
Genus Senecio
Specie confusus
Common Name Mexican Flame Vine, Orange Glow Vine
Life Cycle perennial
Fragrant or Not yes
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) vine
Height 8-10 ft.
Spacing 12-15 in.
Flowering Months summer
Flower Color orange-red
Growing Areas All hot areas of Pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure Full Sun
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation From softwood cuttings
From seed
Uses ornamental vine
Other Details Mexican flame vine is a woody tropical vine with the enchanting summertime habit of covering itself in brilliant daisy-like flowers. The bright orange blossoms are about 1 in in diameter and are borne in small clusters. As they age the flowers change from orange to almost red.
The scientific name of this plant Senecio confusus translates to "confused old man" referring, probably, to this vine's rampant habit of growth. If not provided support, Mexican flame vine grows this way and that in a confusion of stems that piles up to eventually form a sprawling shrub.They are followed by fruiting structures that resemble smaller versions of the dandelion's puffy seed heads. This vine has thick evergreen leaves that are shaped like arrowheads and serrated on the edges. They are arranged alternately on the vine and are deep green in color providing a handsome background for the fiery orange flowers.Use Mexican flame vine to drape over porch rails and mailboxes. It's expert at improving the visual charm of chain link fences. Use in mixed hedges to create splashes of summertime color. It also looks great clambering up palm or pine tree trunks.Unlike many other vines, the Mexican flame vine tends to be rather compact. It is usually less than 10 ft (3.1 m) in height and does not outgrow small gardens and yards. It is a great plant for beginners being drought resistant and seldom bothered by pests. Best of all, even minimum care is rewarded with impressive floral displays!
images courtesy Brig Muhammad Arif Khan(gardening Pakistan)


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