Pelargonium peltatum

Database of Endemic & Garden Plants of Pakistan

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Hamad Ahmed Kisana
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Pelargonium peltatum

Post by Hamad Ahmed Kisana »

Botanical Name Pelargonium peltatum
Family Geraniaceae
Genus Pelargonium
Specie peltatum
Common Name Ivy Geranium, Ivy-leaf Geranium
Life Cycle Annual
Fragrant or Not foliage is aromatic
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) annual bedding plant
Height 12-18 in.
Spacing 9-12 in.
Flowering Months spring
Flower Color Pale Pink
Magenta (Pink-Purple)
Fuchsia (Red-Purple)
Scarlet (Dark Red)
White/Near White
Growing Areas All Pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure Sun to Partial Shade
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation From herbaceous stem cuttings
Allow cut surface to callous over before planting
From seed
Uses Suitable as Annual bedding and basket plant
Other Details The genus Pelargonium belongs to the family Geraniaceae, a large family of 11 genera and 800 species in the subtropical and tropical areas of the world. There are about 270 species of Pelargonium.The genus Pelargonium derives its name from the resemblance of the shape of the fruit to the beak of a stork, pelargos in Greek. The species name peltatum in Latin (peltate) refers to the shield-like leaves, the petiole being attached to the centre of the blade. In the ground, grow in average to organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. Water regularly during the growing season. Best in full sun, but appreciates some light shade in the heat of the day. Best flowering occurs when nights are cool (50s-60s). Promptly deadhead spent flowering stems. Pinch stems to prevent legginess and promote bushiness.
images courtesy Farhan Ahmad.



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