Narcissus papyraceus

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Narcissus papyraceus

Post by rafique »

Botanical Name Narcissus papyraceus
Family Amaryllidaceae
Genus Narcissus
Local Name in Urdu Paper-White Narcissus
Common Name Paper-White Narcissus
Life Cycle Annual here but it’s a perennial native to the Mediterranean region
Cultivar Name
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) Bulbous Plant
Height 1–1.5 ft
Spacing 3-4 inch
Flowering Months Feb-Mar
Flower Color bright white- fragrant flowers
Growing Areas Lahore, Islamabad and norther areas
Frost Tender
Exposure Sun/partial shade
Soil pH
Propagation Bulbs
Uses Ornamental
Other Details Narcissus papyraceus (from papyrus and aceus; meaning paper-like), one of a few species known as "Paperwhite.The white flowers are borne in bunches and are strongly fragrant. Paperwhites are part of the Narcissus genus which includes plants known as daffodils.Narcissus papyraceus thrives in moist, peat moss based potting mix. Plants can also be grown in containers of water. Cool temperatures between 50–65 °F (10–18 °C) and indirect light will help to prolong the bloom time.
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