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Campsis radicans

Posted: July 18th, 2013, 6:37 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Botanical Name Campsis radicans
Family Bignoniaceae
Genus Campsis
Specie radicans
Local Name in Urdu ٹکومہ بیل
Common Name Tecoma radicans,Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper, Cow-Itch Vine
Life Cycle perennial
Fragrant or Not No
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) Vines and Climbers
Height 20-30 ft.
Spacing 6-8 ft.
Flowering Months summer
Flower Color Red
Gold (Yellow-Orange)
Bright Yellow
Growing Areas hot areas of Pakistan
Frost Tender yes becomes dormant
Exposure Sun to Partial Shade
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation From softwood cuttings
From hardwood cuttings
Allow cut surface to callous over before planting,By simple layering
By air layering
Uses ornamental vine
Other Details Easily grown in most soils. Best in lean to average soils with regular moisture in full sun. Foliage grows well in shade, but plants need good sun for best flowering. The problem with trumpet vine is usually not how to grow it but how to restrain it. Blooms on new growth, so early spring pruning will not affect the flowering. Vines must be grown on sturdy structures because mature plants produce considerable weight. This is an extremely aggressive plant which suckers profusely from underground runners and freely self-seeds. Will form impenetrable colonies in the wild which can choke out many plants that get in its way. Michael Dirr has expressed the opinion that "if you can not grow this. [vine], give up gardening."so very easy vine and blooms are also very attractive
Campsis radicans.




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