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Gomphrena globosa

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 12:35 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Botanical Name Gomphrena globosa
Family Amaranthaceae
Genus Gomphrena
Specie globosa
Local Name in Urdu گل مخمل
Common Name Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena, Bachelor Button
Life Cycle Annuals
Fragrant or Not no
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) small annual shrub
Height 12-24 in.
Spacing 9-12 in.
Flowering Months summer
Flower Color Pink
White/Near White
Growing Areas All Pakistan
Frost Tender no
Exposure full sun
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation by seeds
Uses ornamental plant
Other Details Annual. Easily grown in average, well-drained soils in full sun. Although mature plants exhibit good drought resistance, plants grow best with regular moisture throughout the growing season. Extremely good heat tolerance. Use ample amounts of seed since germination rate can be quite low. Pinch young plants to promote bushiness.Globe amaranth is a compact annual that typically grows 12-24” tall on upright branching stems. The true flowers are insignificant, tiny, white to yellow trumpets that are only visible close up. It is the bright magenta bracts arranged in globose, papery-textured, clover-like flowerheads that provide the real show in a long summer to frost bloom. Cultivars expand the range of flowerhead colors to include red, pink, purple, lilac, violet and white. Long lasting fresh cut flower. Excellent dried flower (an everlasting) that retains color well. Narrow oblong to elliptic green leaves (to 4” long).Gophrenas are used in annual beds and borders. In masses, the round flowerheads produce an interesting texture, and their bright colors last late into the season. Their low stature makes them well suited for edging around taller plantings.



image by Farhan Ahmad.


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