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Limonium sinuatum (Statice )

Posted: July 22nd, 2013, 8:14 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Botanical Name Limonium sinuatum
Family Plumbaginaceae
Genus Limonium
Specie sinuatum
Local Name in Urdu
Common Name Statice,Sea Lavender
Life Cycle Annual
Cultivar Name
Fragrant or Not No
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) bedding plant
Height 18-24 in.
Spacing 15-18 in.
Flowering Months spring
Flower Color Rose/Mauve
Pale Yellow
White/Near White
Growing Areas All Pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure Full Sun
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation by seeds
Uses Containers,Beds & Borders,Groundcover,Cut Flowers,Dried Flowers
Other Details Exotic Flower, which belongs to the family Plumbaginaceae. Statice flowers are poularly used in dried flower arrangements, indeed Statice are one of the most widely used dried flowers. Statice is also commonly known by various different names viz., Limonium, English Statice, German Statice, Seafoam Statice, Latifolia,The statice flower is considered everlasting, and it is one of the most well loved dried plants in use. When properly dried, these flowers retain their vibrant colors, and many florists and crafters like to incorporate them into a variety of projects. Sea Lavender.statice bears papery flowers in a wide variety of colors. the plant is also very drought tolerant ,so you can enjoy its bloom even if you forget to water it from time to time.Statice is easily grown in full sun and in well drained average to sandy soil. Statice is a low maintenance plant.The plant benefits from a light fertilizer in early spring.
images courtesy farhan ahmad.





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