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Jasminum nitidum

Posted: August 29th, 2013, 8:02 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Botanical Name Jasminum nitidum
Family Oleaceae
Genus Jasminum
Specie nitidum
Common Name Angelwing Jasmine, Shining Jasmine, Confederate Jasmine, Star Jasmine
Life Cycle perennial
Fragrant or Not yes
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) evergreen shrub or semi-evergreen vine
Height 15-20 ft.
Spacing 12-15 ft
Flowering Months may till October
Flower Color White/Near White
Growing Areas All Pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure full sun
Soil pH 7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline)
Propagation From woody stem cuttings,By simple layering
Uses Ideally used as a hedge or accent planting
Other Details A sweetly fragrant, night blooming, evergreen shrub or semi-evergreen vine with snow white, pinwheel, star shaped flowers almost 2 inches across. Flowering buds start out as purplish buds and retain some pinkish-purple on calyx. Blooming startes from late spring and thoughout the summer. Angelwing jasmine, Star jasmine is a fast-growing vine with lustrous, dark-green foliage growing long, twining vine, that become woody with age. Can reaching 20 feet in height, but often trimmed to 2-4 feet bushy shrub.
Ideally used as a hedge or accent planting . It responds very well to heavy pruning. Angelwing, star jasmine is best as a rather loose, informal shrub, since it needs a lot of pruning to keep it compact. Also makes a fine container plant,or use in a planter near the home entrance where its intense sweet fragrance can be appreciated. Allowed to climb, angelwing jasmine can be used to cover a fence or trellis. It has moderate salt tolerance and is adaptable to most any soil.
Light requiring full sun to almost full sun because it doesn't do well in shade. Angelwing jasmine is frost-tender.