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Posted: September 8th, 2013, 9:42 pm
by Hamad
Botanical Name Hemerocallis
Family Xanthorrhoeaceae
Genus Hemerocallis
Specie Register Species are in triple digit
Local Name in Urdu N/A
Common Name Daylily
Cultivar Name Register Cultivars are in three to four digits
Life Cycle Perennial
Category(Bulb/Corm/Tuber/Rhizome/root) Fleshy roots
Hardiness Hardy
Hardiness zone 04 to 10
Soil PH 6.0 to 6.5
Planting Time Spring or fall
Planting Depth 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Spacing 16 to 24 inches (40cm to 60cm), they also grow in clumps
Height 12-36 inches (30-90 cm)
Exposure Full Sun (am sun is recommended) to partial shade
Flowering Time Summer
Flower Colour Available in many colours and bicolour
Fragrant Few varieties are fragrant and few are not
Uses Grow in pots/containers, do really good in flowering beds and borders but not appreciated as cut flower as the life of each flower is just one day
Propagation By dividing the clumps and planting them separately after flowering, or by seeds
Difficulty(Easy/Intermediate/Hard ) Easy
Suitable for (KHI/LHR/RWL/ISL/PWR/High Lands) All areas
Tips to grow Hemerocallis is easy and adaptable, they are very tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and thrive in most weather conditions. Recommended time to plant is spring to autumn, they do need dividing about every three years when the clumps start to get congested. They also need daily dead-heading (if seeds are required then last blooms could be used for this purpose) as their name suggested their flowers last only a day, they are vagarious perennial and propagate very quickly, regarding their dormancy they are divided into three categories Winter Dormant (they get fully dormant to ground), semi dormant (half of the foliage would remain intact) and ever green foliage (they stop growing in winter but foliage remain over the ground with little damage and start re-growing once the temperature start rising).
Other Details Daylilies are perennial plants. The name Hemerocallis comes from the Greek words (hēmera) "day" and (kalos) "beautiful". This name alludes to the flowers which typically last no more than 24 hours. The flowers of most species open in early morning and wither during the following night, possibly replaced by another one on the same scape (flower stalk) the next day, and some species are night-blooming. Daylilies are not commonly used as cut flowers for formal flower arranging, yet they make good cut flowers otherwise as new flowers continue to open on cut stems over several days.
Hemerocallis is native to Eurasia, including China, Korea, and Japan, and this genus is popular worldwide because of the showy flowers and hardiness of many kinds. There are over 60,000 registered cultivars. Hundreds of cultivars have fragrant flowers, and more scented cultivars are appearing more frequently in northern hybridization programs. Some cultivars re-bloom later in the season, particularly if their capsules, in which seeds are developing, are removed.