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Hibiscus syriacus

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 6:32 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Botanical Name Hibiscus syriacus
Family Malvaceae
Genus Hibiscus
Specie syriacus
Common Name Rose of Sharon
Life Cycle perennial
Fragrant or Not no
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) shrub
Height 4-10 ft
Spacing 4-6 ft.
Flowering Months summer
Flower Color Pink
White/Near White
Growing Areas All hot areas of pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure full sun
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation from seed ,by air layering
Uses ornamental and edible plant
Other Details Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil.Hibiscus syriacus is a shrub with large showy flowers in single- or double-flowering form. Rose-of-Sharon
has flowers with solid colors or bicolors that bloom all summer long and has a distinctive vase-shaped growth habit.Rose-of-Sharon is valued for large flowers produced in summer when few other shrubs bloom. It is useful as a garden accent due to its strict, upright habit. The open, loose branches and light green leaves make Rose-of-Sharon ideally suited to formal or informal plantings, and with a little
pruning makes an attractive, small specimen tree. The plant grows in sun or partial shade and in any soil.Rose-of-Sharon grows 8 to 10 feet tall and spreads 4 to 10 feet. The growth rate ranges from slow to moderate, and transplanting is easy. Several roots are usually located just beneath the soil surface.





Re: Hibiscus syriacus

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 6:38 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
recheck photos

Re: Hibiscus syriacus

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
i am confused there is any problem..preview shows photos but after posting they can try to edit

Re: Hibiscus syriacus

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 8:55 pm
by khabbab
My question and answer with Zahrah nasir below:

Q: Can blue hibiscus be grown successfully in Lahore — I haven’t seen them here. There are two most common species with blue flowers Alyogyne huegelli and Hibiscus syriacus. Can these be grown in Lahore from seed and do they require the same care as wild hibiscus?

A: I suspect that you mean Hibiscus huegelli not Alyogyne. H. huegelli, the Australian satin hibiscus with gorgeous lavender coloured flowers and Hibiscus syriacus should both be fine as long as good growing conditions are provided. They are very different in their requirements to wild hibiscus. Give them well drained, sandy soil with lots of humus worked in and grow in full sun. Take care that the seedlings do not damp off.

Re: Hibiscus syriacus

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 10:46 pm
by Munir
Common Name: Rose of Sharon. Really?