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Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 8:03 am
by M Farooq
Botanical Name Senna bicapsularis
Family Caesalpiniaceae
Genus Senna
Specie bicapsularis
Common Name Christmas Senna, Winter Cassia
Life Cycle perinnial
Fragrant or Not ABC
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) Shrubs
Height 10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m)
Spacing 4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)
Flowering Months Fall/Early Winter
Flower Color Bright Yellow
Growing Areas All hot areas of Pakistan
Frost Tender yes
Exposure Full Sun
Soil pH tolerant
Propagation from seed
Uses ornamental tree.Makes an excellent small specimen for limited-space areas such as street sides or parking lots.
Other Details While other trees are preparing for winter, Winter Cassia is just waking up. This sprawling, semi-evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 8 to 10 feet with an equal spread, produces blossoms in fall that resemble golden butterflies. Bright yellow flowers appear at a time of year when little else is in bloom. This plant has a place in any sunny landscape.Winter Cassia benefits from frequent pinching of the young shoot tips during the growing season up to the beginning of September; this encourages branching and increases the number of flowers. Appropriate training can produce a very small specimen tree which looks nice growing in a low ground cover. Trees often fall over and will require staking to hold them upright. For this reason, it is easiest to place it in a shrub border among other shrubs which will help hold it erect. Well worth the effort to stake a specimen tree, if needed, since the tree is simply stunning in flower.
Tolerant of many soil conditions, Winter Cassia needs full sun for best growth and flowering, and needs little care once established. Plant it and forget about it, except for occasional watering during drought. A good plant for highway median or roadside specimen or cluster planting.
Propagation is by seed or cuttings.
Information provided by Hamad A. Kisana
Images by Javed Ashraf


Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 8:31 am
by M Farooq
Hamad bhai, please add your name whenever you fill in the details. The credit goes to you.

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 8:34 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana is your project i am just helping no need to worry about is our common database.

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 8:38 am
by M Farooq
Hamad Ahmed Kisana is your project i am just helping no need to worry about is our common database.
Too much of "inkis-saari" janaab :-). It is everyone's project - anyone who is deeply interested in plants

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 6:19 pm
Farooq sb i don,t like this Cassia.Its every where on the road sides in the Cap city.

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 6:33 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
UMARKHANMARDAN wrote:Farooq sb i don,t like this Cassia.Its every where on the road sides in the Cap city.
The deep fellow is tolerable, I am with you and am removing all of them.

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 10th, 2013, 6:38 pm
Arif sb i have already removed two of bushes some five years back. Not because its very common but its not appealing to me. Its only the imitation of the True Majestic Cassias ha ha ha. Arif sb try Nadosa its so appealing flowering tree.

Re: Senna bicapsularis, Winter Cassia

Posted: October 11th, 2013, 1:07 am
by M Farooq
Arif sb and Umar sb the problem with real and majestic Amaltas is that it is a very very slower grower. This pseudo-Amaltas seems like a fast growing tree perhaps thats why people prefer it. In the first go, it does look like real Amaltas but it is nowhere near the real one.

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