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Eucharis amazonica

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 9:32 pm
by Hamad
Botanical Name Eucharis amazonica
Family Amaryllidaceae
Genus Eucharis
Local Name in Urdu N/A
Common Name Amazon lily and Eucharist lily
Life Cycle Evergreen
Cultivar Name
Category(Bulb/Corm/Tuber/Rhizome/root) Bulb
Hardiness Tender I - injured below 68°F (20°C)
HardinessZone 10 to 11
Soil PH Acidic, Neutral (according to some sources 7.6 to 7.8)
Planting Time Year round
Planting Depth 1 inch (2.5 cm and 1 per 5 inch pot)
Spacing 18 to 24 inches
Height 12 to 24 inches
Exposure Part to full Shade
Flowering Time Summer, few also flower in winter
Flower Color White
Fragrant Soft Fragrant
Uses good plant for shady areas, ground cover and good for indoors
Propagation by dividing bulbs when dormant
Difficulty(Easy/Intermediate/Hard ) moderate
Suitable for (KHI/LHR/RWL/ISL/PWR/High Lands) KHI/LHR/PSWR and may not perform in RWP/ISL except indoors with due care
Tips to grow Plant your Amazon lily outside in a shady place if you live in Zones 10-11. Elsewhere, it must be grown as a container plant and moved to protected places during the winter. Although it thrives in regions where the temperature hovers between 60 and 70°F, it can tolerate much warmer temperatures. Temperatures below 55°F however, may prove harmful.
Amazon lily prefers a well-drained potting mix that is rich in organic matter. Keep the soil evenly moist, and feed regularly during the growing season for best results. Plants generally bloom at least once a year. However, allowing the plant to dry out just a bit and withholding fertilizer can induce additional bloom.
Like other bulbs, the Amazon lily produces offsets. These can be removed and planted in other pots. However, let the bulbs reproduce until the container is full, and divide only when they become pot bound and seem to be ready to break the container. The lilies dislike being disturbed and pout a bit after being repotted. They can live in the original pot for several years.
Three to five bulbs in a six-inch container is about right to begin with. As with other members of the family, the bulb should be planted with their necks at or slightly above the soil surface. Keep your Amazon lily in bright light but out of direct sun. It thrives in places with high humidity and blooms best when pot bound.
Keep a lookout for such pests as caterpillars, spider mites, scale insects, and bulb mites. Caterpillars can chew unsightly holes in the leaves, and spider mites can cause the leaves to become stipled and loose much of their gloss. Slugs and snails will dine on the foliage if given a chance.

Bulb Storage: Store bulbs in peat at 68°F (20°C). To induce flowering, the growing plants must receive at least four weeks at 80-85°F (27-29°C) followed by a minimum temperature drop of 14°F (8°C), e.g., down to 65-70°F (18-21°C). These temperatures must be very constant or bulbs may not flower. After 12 weeks at the lower temperatures, the plants should flower. Subsequently, the high temperature treatment should be repeated. Thus, the plants can flower twice per year. If water is withheld, the foliage will senesce and sometimes this will also induce flowering.
Other Details Native to the Andes of Columbia and Peru—not the
Amazon—Amazon lily requires shade for its tender leaves
and looks best when grown in rich, moist organic matter.
Amazon lily should be kept on the dry side during the
winter to stimulate flowering. Amazon lily can remain
undisturbed for many years, blooming better under
crowded conditions, whether in a pot or in large, outdoor

Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 9:42 pm
by Hamad
The above entry was a bit difficult to compile as there was a confusion for the number of species so I have left it blank for some authentic information from a reliable source, also according to the entry the suitable Zone is 10 and 11 and bulbs get damaged under 20C but I know few of our members are growing them in RWL/ISL, I would request my fellow members to share the tips to grow them in cold areas like RWL/ISL and also if they could provide me with a photo for this entry.

Data was collected from Dave's Garden, Uni of Florida and Uni of NC, RHS, Pacific Bulb society and few other societies.


Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 10:39 pm
by jdashraf
Here are few pictures of Eucharis from my posts:-





Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: November 14th, 2013, 10:52 pm
by Hamad
looking absolutely stunning Javaid sb and nicely photographed too

Thanks again


Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: February 5th, 2014, 10:36 pm
by farah fayyaz
According to post, it can't be grown in rwp/isd. But Mr. Javed is growing in rwp

Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: February 6th, 2014, 12:04 am
by Hamad
AOA Farah

it says "it may not perform but with due care means in pots and in indoors/under shade/shelter" and if you read the Tips to grow section you will understand the requirements and the reason why I said it may not perform in RWP/ISL and Javaid sb/Kaleem sb both are growing them in pots and indoors/under shade/shelter as they may not take the cold of ISL/RWL in out doors.

and under my entry I wrote down about our members are growing them in RWP/ISL, means I have not ruled out the fact that it cant be grown in this region and I m also planning to plant some for myself :) in same region.

I hope this may help


Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 12:32 am
by jdashraf
Hamad wrote:AOA Farah

it says "it may not perform but with due care means in pots and in indoors/under shade/shelter" and if you read the Tips to grow section you will understand the requirements and the reason why I said it may not perform in RWP/ISL and Javaid sb/Kaleem sb both are growing them in pots and indoors/under shade/shelter as they may not take the cold of ISL/RWL in out doors.

and under my entry I wrote down about our members are growing them in RWP/ISL, means I have not ruled out the fact that it cant be grown in this region and I m also planning to plant some for myself :) in same region.

I hope this may help

Yes I agree, you can grow them but with extra care as mentioned by Hammad.. Already, foliage of my plants has gone dormant due to cold. Lets see if they survive this winter.

Re: Eucharis amazonica

Posted: February 7th, 2014, 10:23 am
by farah fayyaz
Ok. .Mr. hammad. Thnks for further clearification.