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Cyrtanthus mackenii

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:20 pm
by Hamad
Botanical Name Cyrtanthus mackenii
Family Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis and daffodil family)
Genus Cyrtanthus
Specie 60 Species
Local Name in Urdu N/A
Common Name Ifafa Lily
Life Cycle Perennial
Cultivar Name N/A
Category(Bulb/Corm/Tuber/Rhizome/root) Bulb
Hardiness Tender III- injured below 25 degrees F (2 degrees C)
Hardiness Zone
Soil PH 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
Planting Time late Autumn or early spring
Planting Depth up to bulb’s neck
Spacing 12-18 in. (30-45 cm)
Height 12-18 in. (30-45 cm)
Exposure Grows best in full am sun in a warm climate, partial shade in afternoon sun
Flowering Time Late Spring to summer with occasional flowering in Autumn after good rain
Flower Color available in different shades from white to Yellow, Pink, Apricot and red
Fragrant sweetly scented
Uses also good for indoor flowering and cut flower
Propagation by dividing bulbs after flowering or when the bulbs are dormant, also by sowing seeds
Difficulty(Easy/Intermediate/Hard ) easy
Suitable for (KHI/LHR/RWL/ISL/PWR/High Lands) most of the places but could face some difficulties in cold areas of Pakistan
Tips to grow Although all Cyrtanthus species can be cultivated in containers, C. mackenii is certainly one of the easiest species to cultivate and ranks amongst relatively few others that can be successfully cultivated over an extended period in gardens in temperate climates.
Cyrtanthus mackenii is best planted in a growing medium that contains plenty of well-rotted organic matter. A suggested medium is equal parts of finely sifted compost, and coarse river sand or silica sand (swimming pool sand). Both colour varieties prefer a lightly shaded position, ideally receiving morning sun and afternoon shade, and like to be planted with the necks of their bulbs slightly exposed above soil level. The bulbs should be allowed to form large clumps and like to be left undisturbed for at least five years, until clumps become too thick and flowering performance diminishes. The bulbs require regular heavy watering about once every ten days throughout the year. Pots can be placed on semi-shaded balconies or verandas, and when in flower can be brought indoors where the sweetly-scented blooms can be fully appreciated. C. mackenii is a good cut flower, each stem lasting up to ten days in the vase.
Propagation of Cyrtanthus mackenii is easy. Offsets (daughter bulbs) form rapidly and can be separated from the mother bulbs when large enough, in early spring. The perennial fleshy roots should not be allowed to dry out and the bulbs should be replanted immediately and watered well. Seeds can be sown in early spring in deep seed trays, in the same mixture recommended for adult bulbs. Cover the thin, black, papery seeds with about 3-4 mm of sowing medium, and keep moist by watering with a fine rose. Germination of fresh seeds takes place within four weeks, and under ideal conditions, seedlings will often flower for the first time during their third season of growth.
Other Details Cyrtanthus mackenii is an Eastern Cape species with evergreen and deciduous forms. The evergreen form grows in stream beds in riverine forest patches near the south east coast of South Africa, always in shade. Often if grows between rocks in the streams beds with the bulbs submerged in water or on the edges of pools. Wild populations usually flowers only in July and August.
The evergreen forms are some of the most easily grown of all Cyrtanthus species. They flower when they feels like in captivity, especially when hybridised with similar species. These forms are ideal container subjects, garden plants and cut flowers. Numerous colour forms exist and all are delightfully scented. This species is particular ornamental when different colour forms are grown together in the same container. It likes to remain undisturbed for many years for best results.

Re: Cyrtanthus mackenii

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:24 pm
by Hamad
References for the above entry: Pacific bulb society, RHS, Dave's Garden and NC uni of United states Horticulture department.
photos courtesy Hamad AK Kisana few other members are also growing these bulbs successfully.


Re: Cyrtanthus mackenii

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:26 pm
by Hamad





