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Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 10:34 am
by Farhan Ahmed
Farooq Sb and Suffi....Noted. Regarding the medicinal plants let me see how many topics we have

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 12:25 pm
by rafique
Farhan Ahmed wrote:I was studying the possibility of more ranks. Like we should have separate color/banner for senior when i browsed the tools i found out that this group can be made with some post limit...... which i have set to be 400. Any member crossing that bench mark will automatically be added in senior member rank. Only available image is supporter i will try to change it to senior member if possible.
There is alot more you can do. Most of the things are possible.
Geat start :)

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 12:26 pm
by jdashraf
Here are my suggestions for improvement of the forum page:-
1. Page Layout
a.First of all there is a requirement of bringing the page up as you need to scroll down every time to access the required content. Considerable area of the page on top is blank and wasted. This should be easy in the page layout setting.
b. The banner(the forum image on top) size could also be reduced to minimize the scroll.
c. The menu buttons under the banner (Home, Forms, Members,etc) can be adjusted to appear in one line, this will further minimize the scroll down to reach the desired content.
2. New Features Suggested
a. Like/Dislike button for each post (common feature on portals like this, should be available in page settings)
b. Presently, Images are added to the post in reverse order, i.e, image added last appears on top, this may be corrected (I hope I dont do it the wrong way)
c. City Chapters may be added as separate Sub Sections as I already suggested.
d. There should be separate Section for Popular posts (with max replies, etc) appearing on the main page.

I also agree with the suggestions of sub-sections mentioned in above posts.

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 12:48 pm
by Tahir Khan
Nice work... The forum is already looking more user friendly and appealing with topics of main interests segregated in right order. And thanks for promoting us to higher ranks. Cheers :)

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 2:18 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
@jdashraf.....Layout & like function requires modification to forum which is a technical stuff....can harm database also if not done correctly. So i am leaving it for now till i learn more or i seek guidance from mirafzal Sb. I am also planning to start a test forum where i can experiment various mods.

Popular post will also require some conditional setting...let see

For chapters ...let see some more participation. For it to be expanded into a entire forum. Its now there in Forum Improvement section....easily visible to all members. As the participation increases we can look into it.

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 10:27 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Members lot of rearranging has been done for easy referencing...Similarly many sub-forums have been also created. Request Feedback or was my weekend wasted :-)????

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 23rd, 2013, 11:39 pm
by M Farooq
Farhan Ahmed wrote:Members lot of rearranging has been done for easy referencing...Similarly many sub-forums have been also created. Request Feedback or was my weekend wasted :-)????
Appreciate your time and volunteering efforts. It looks far more organized and user friendly than ever before. Best of all it is a non-sense free i.e. highly moderated forum. Again due to your efforts.

Now how can we increase participation i.e. how to popularize the forum among the masses. Still we can see there not more than 20 active (contributing) members. That's why I was interested in little bit of statistical data i.e. the number of unique visitors/ day. If the readership is high, it will be satisfying...if it is low, it can be enhanced by popularizing it elsewhere.

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 1:02 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
M Farooq wrote: Now how can we increase participation i.e. how to popularize the forum among the masses. Still we can see there not more than 20 active (contributing) members. That's why I was interested in little bit of statistical data i.e. the number of unique visitors/ day. If the readership is high, it will be satisfying...if it is low, it can be enhanced by popularizing it elsewhere.
I am estimating that we are getting around 30K visitors per month. Unique visitor count -No Idea.
20000 Posts and 1000 Members, Facebook page, Youtube....we are indeed growing.

However the problem remains that most members are just readers. I don't know why....are they shy,busy or least pushed? My guess is as good as yours.

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 2:09 pm
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
Farhan Ahmed wrote:Request Feedback or was my weekend wasted ????
whay you are thinking that your efforts are useless. infact you have given a new spirit to the forum.every thing is at its appropriate position now.and subsection of what is growing in your garden is best in your changes although all are good.your creative mind is working great here. :D thanks for these hard works.we appreciate your efforts.

Re: Forum Changes

Posted: June 24th, 2013, 6:06 pm
by Tahir Khan
Your efforts will be fruitful, we are growing... so many new things.. new ideas.. Thanks to our dedicated members we will popularize the forum soon :)