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Hidden worlds in the heart of a plant (Bromeliads)

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 10:28 am
by mikhurram
The wonderful ecosystem created by Allah. While studying nature, one encounters more beauty. All beauty in which see in our nature is evidence of Allah's exalted and unique power of creation. From a single straw to a a particular flower, from birds to ants, everything is full of details, which need reflection. The more we reflect, the more we are able to understand the power and might of Allah.
"Is then He, Who creates as one who creates not? Will you not then remember? If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surah An-Nahl: 17:18)

At times we may not imagine that a particular plant or living things which we encounter may have some very interesting features. The following article perfectly illustrates this example.The crux of the article can be summed from the following passage in the first page.
"But the most intriguing to me are that Bromeliads contain entire mini-kingdoms, where bacteria, algae and protzoans support insects that, in turn feed frogs, spiders and birds. Even man has drunk from the bromeliad's well. Early explorers of Florida's Everglades reportedly survived droughts by sipping from the plant."






Source: National Geographic March 1975

Re: Hidden worlds in the heart of a plant (Bromeliads)

Posted: November 29th, 2013, 12:50 pm
by mikhurram
In the first episode of "Kingdom of Plants" by David Attenborough it was revealed that mutualism exists between Frogs and Bromeliads. Poison Arrow Frogs make their home inside the waxy leaves which trap water, feeding on insects like Mosquito larvae & algae that thrive on water trapped between the waxy leaves which become a mini pond for the frogs. The frog's faeces and insect remains increase the plant's nitrogen and thus these droppings indirectly become a fertilser providing nourishment to the Bromeliads

The bromeliad also serves as a hatchery for frog eggs and tadpoles. Not all frogs lay their eggs directly in the bromeliad pools. Female Poison Arrow frogs in the rain forests lay eggs on a leaf on the ground. The male cares for the eggs until they hatch into tadpoles, and then the female carries the tadpoles & puts them in the Bromeliad mini pond between the leaves.

Re: Hidden worlds in the heart of a plant (Bromeliads)

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 8:40 am
by M Farooq
That is very interesting. There is indeed a hidden mini universe in this plant.