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Re: Air-layering

Posted: December 7th, 2011, 5:39 pm
by asif23
Dear Izhar Bhai,
I read in your article that you used rooting hormone. Could you please guide me from where can I get that in KARACHI, and how to apply that. Will appreciate ur reply on

Thanks in advance for your co-operation.



Re: Air-layering

Posted: December 7th, 2011, 6:12 pm
by Izhar

Re: Air-layering

Posted: December 8th, 2011, 10:07 pm
by dragoonsers
I have set up a couple air-layers. Stupid crows ripped three of my plastic covers :o

Re: Air-layering

Posted: August 5th, 2013, 12:25 pm
by newton
I too have done air layering this week on three different camellias, a pear tree and a cherry, the latter two with a view for creating my own Bonsai. (as you can use interesting gnarled thicker stems to root and miniaturise the trees) I don't know what success I will have but I used sphagnum moss not compost (and black electricians tape not wire) as it is in plentifull supply in the UK. I do believe it takes upto 6 months to root in the UK climate.


Re: Air-layering

Posted: January 23rd, 2014, 12:36 am
by S.Ahmed
After reading this thread I attempted air layering 3 plants yesterday. I had previously attempted to propagate all 3 of them through stem cutting but wasn't successful so am keeping my fingers crossed that this method might work although I didn't have rooting powder so haven't used it so am concerned a bit as well if I'll be successful in rooting these 3 plants or not.

First I air layered croton. Followed the procedure just like its mentioned in this topic,removed small chunk of bark from stem then wrapped damp potting mix around the peeled stem & then wrapped small plastic sheet around it and secured it using insulated wire that I pulled from discarded cat 5 lan wire. Followed the same procedure with red hibiscus & red ixora as well.

As is apparent from pics, my attempt didn't turn out nice & clean as Izhar's but still am waiting & hoping that it would be successful.



Red Hibiscus:



Red Ixora:



Re: Air-layering

Posted: January 23rd, 2014, 9:01 am
by Izhar
Best of luck... please be patient and dont give up.. it may take longer to see the roots... good going..

Re: Air-layering

Posted: January 23rd, 2014, 8:06 pm
by dragoonsers
S. Ahmed, do not give up! I also posted on this forum when I air-layered roses. After that I have air layered so many things. You just have to find out what works for you. One suggestion, to increase the size of the soil ball. This helps keep in moisture and the sun's heat won't penetrate as deep as it would with a thinner ball. Apart from that, the plant you have selected for air-layering (croton I think), air layer quite easily. And this is the perfect weather to do so!

Re: Air-layering

Posted: April 30th, 2016, 5:39 pm
by kashif
AsSalamOAlykum to All,
Can we also do air layering for grafted plants like china lemon and do they bear fruits also and can we use only coco peat instead of compost.
Thank you