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House Plants which purify the Air

Posted: April 23rd, 2013, 11:46 am
by ka_khan
Found a list of house plants which I compiled of some of the top house plants that clean the air.
Aloe Vera
Areca Palm Tree
Bamboo Palm
Boston Fern
Date Palm Tree
Dragon Tree
English Ivy
Ficus Alii
Heart leaf philodendron
Janet Craig – Dracaena
Lady Palm
Peace Lilly
Rubber Plant
Snake Plant/Mother-in-Laws Tongue
Spider Plant

Re: House Plants which purify the Air

Posted: April 24th, 2013, 8:04 am
by M Farooq
Actually NASA (space agency) did some research about indoor air pollutants and their removal efficiency for certain cancer causing chemicals in indoor air. The good news is that it applies to people who have the habit to close the windows of their homes all the time (very well applies on most Western living style)...most of Pakistani homes don't except those who are obsessed with air conditioners. There is no effective concentration of harmful stuff in our indoor air.

Our indoor air pollutants are piyaaz, lehsan and garam masala odours from cooking...which I believe are not that harmful tho quite unpleasant :-). Now I will not talk about how polluted our out-door air is...that will become one big essay. In short, Karachi's air is one of dirtiest in the world not because of chemicals but because of particulate matter (carbon from cars etc) in the air which damages eyes and lungs in the long term :-(

Re: House Plants which purify the Air

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 9:14 pm
by zeeshanlateef
Hello. I wanted to know where I can get a snake plant in Islamabad. I really like the way it looks and it seems to be very low maintenance as well which is a big plus. Please let me know if you have any info.

Many thanks

Re: House Plants which purify the Air

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 10:54 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
H-9 nursery area.
Yup easy and low maintenance indoor plant. Avoid over watering especially during winters.