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Posted: June 20th, 2013, 9:16 am
by suffi
Grewia asiatica L.
Origin: Native to southern Asia from Pakistan east to Cambodia, and widely cultivated in other tropical countries
Description : Phalsa is an exotic bush and usually 10 to 15 feet tall . It sheds leaves during winter goes into dormancy for short duration. The wood is strong and elastic. It is used to make shafts for golf sticks, shoulder poles used for carrying small
loads, bows, spear handles, shingles, etc. The shoots obtained after annual pruning are used for making baskets which are quite strong and can be used to transport fruit and vegetables. It requires hot summer for fruits to ripe. The skin of the ripened fruit is purple. A very refreshing drink is made from the fresh phalsa juice.
Blooming time : Spring end
Fruiting Period: April –June
Light: Full sun
Soil: Phalsa can be grown on a wide range of soils, even those which are moderately alkaline.
Ph: 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
Propagation: by seed which does not require any pre-sowing treatment

Uses :
• Falsa Fruits are very high in antioxidant
• It helps in preventing heart diseases and cancer.
• The fruits are cooling, tonic and aphrodisiac, they allay thirst and burning sensation, remove biliousness, heart and blood disorders and fevers.
• The bark is used as a demulcent. It cures urinary troubles and relieves burning in the vagina.
• A very refreshing drink is made from the fresh phalsa juice. This is very popular during the hot summer months and sold at fruit juice stalls in big cities.
• The leaves relieve all types of inflammations of the skin like cuts, burning, boils, eczema. Just make a paste of previously soaked leaves in water (soaked a night before). Apply this paste on the affected area.
• The leaves are antibiotic in action.


2. ... 05022.html
3. ... iatica.htm
4. ... h-Benefits

Re: phalsa

Posted: June 20th, 2013, 7:02 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
One fruit that is quite rare in KPK :-).

Re: phalsa

Posted: June 20th, 2013, 9:14 pm
by farah fayyaz
Very informative post.JazakAllah.

Re: phalsa

Posted: June 22nd, 2013, 10:29 am
by suffi
y, but i grow in haripur , i have 20 plants

Re: phalsa

Posted: July 30th, 2015, 1:54 pm
by TanQ
Dear Suffi, I read about you growing Phals in Haripur, very interesting. I am originally from Abbottabad but we have bought a vast piece of land near Jand (between Rawalpindi and Attock City). I am very interested in growing Phalsa, different exotic vegetables and fruits on the Farm. I would be very interested in your experiences, especially with Phalsa, Bamboo and other exotic greens. I live in Germany but am planning to settle down in Pakistan in an year or so.I thank youn in advance for your help and any information that you will provide. Take care and Allah Hafiz. Tanvir Qureshi

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