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Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 1st, 2014, 3:30 am
by newton
Do you add bonemeal?
What quantities/ratios do you use?
How often do you fertilise it in a year?
Any pictures of your palms?

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 2nd, 2014, 7:10 pm
by Dr.wasif i dont know what is bonemeal....i put a bukcet of manure in october yearly and 2 spoons of dap/npk after 3-4 months...i will upload picks for u but i have all these palms in big numbers

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 3rd, 2014, 12:32 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Dr.wasif wrote:syed adnan sahab i use urea/dap/npk for palm trees like bismarckia nobilis, queen palms, foxtail palm, phoenix robellini, phoenix canaresis, revenia palms, washintonia, italian palms and cycas revoluta and all these plants are planted in ground...i also use manure and compost once in a year..yess you are right organic fertilizers are the best
Dr. Wasif, Are you a medical Dr, or a PHD, In both cases you are not a Layman.
You say you use Urea/DAP/NPK. Have you prepared a mixture of these three fertilisers that you use, if so in what proportions and what is the final NPK ratio of this mixture? How much and how frequently you use them.

Or is it on your whims, one day you throw some Urea and a Few days later a hand full of DAP or NPK which ever is readily available.
You also say organic fertilizers are the best. Is it based on some personal trials of yours?
I am asking it in quest of knowledge only
Happy Gardening

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 4th, 2014, 4:40 am
by newton
You clearly have developed a passion for growing palms and have cited a wonderful (and expensive) collection. its important to provide them with the best fertiliser ratio in order to show them off at their best. In order to guide\advise yourself and other members the pictures may establish/bestguess your soil type, any physical symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and recommended fertiliser mixes.

Bone meal is a mixture of finely and coarsely ground animal bones. It is used for plants as a slow-release organic fertilizer, primarily as a source of phosphorus and protein.

It is important to be aware that palms have only a single growing tip which cant regenerate, they are sensitive to trace nutrient deficiencies, whereas most plants may only suffer some twig dieback and regenerate, palms with a damaged growing tip will die. Furthermore palms grown in containers have a proven need for nitrogen whereas too much nitrogen in field grown palms can be detrimental by inhibiting the plants ability to uptake other nutrients like potassium/magnesium/boron/iron and hence the palm suffers and isn't shown off at its best.

Im not going to quote palm care or fertiliser ratio mixes yet as it may only serve to bewilder if not confuse. I look forward to seeing some pics and we can take it from there.


Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 4th, 2014, 12:24 pm
by Dr.wasif
@ arif sahab im a medical doctor...and i dont use a mixture...i use them this year in spring i fed all my plants with one table spoon of DAP and 3 months later with one table spoon of urea and few days back with npk..BUT ONCE I USED UREA+DAP AS the guy at nursery told me to give one table spoon of DAP AND UREA AND THEN LEAVE IT FOR 3 DAYS AND WATER THE 4TH DAY AND DID EXACTLY THE SAME AND OBSERVED BETTER GROWTH OF ALL PALMS THEN WITH WATER I ASKED HIM THE REASON BEHIND NOT WATERING IMEDIATELY HE SAID DAP REACTS WITH MUD AND THEN NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS BECOMES AVAILABLE..BUT I PRACTISED THIS ONLY ONCE AS I THINK THIS METHOD CAN BURN THE ROOTS BUT THAT GUY TOLD ME THAT THEY USE DAP LIKE THIS AND THEN I CONFIRMED THIS FROM ANOTHER NURSERY HE SAID THE SAME..regarding organic fertlizer i have read that they are slow release and have useful microbes in them which decay organic matter slowly over time and make it available to plant and also they contain micro and macronutrients...while dap/npk/urea have macro nutrients only...

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 4th, 2014, 12:31 pm
by Dr.wasif
@ afzal sahab i will surely upload the pics today and then we can discuss...i planted queen palm, foxtail palm, bismarckias, phoenix robellini, phoenic canaresis,italian palms one year back so they are all young palms while cycas revoluta/sago pal/kangi palms are over 20 years old when i was a kid...i develeoped love for palms 2 years back

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 4th, 2014, 12:49 pm
by Dr.wasif
i have the pics but max size allowed is 256 kb

Re: proper method of using different fertilizers

Posted: October 4th, 2014, 2:06 pm
by newton
You can upload your pictures to a photograph hosting site like flickr or photobucket and then paste their dedicated image link codes into your reply, the photographs will show up without any limit of kb size. Iinstructions are here ... =29&t=2290 ... f=29&t=223