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Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: October 26th, 2013, 4:22 pm
by muhsinmalik1
I have heard that Maple trees do have short and shallow roots so can be planted. i am not an expert that's why need guidance, opinion and experiences.

my plan is to have roof top garden, above requirement of plants is Just the start, later after a year or two, i will start planting vegetables. They might be from below
1) Tomatoes
Heat tolerant, tomatoes grow great in containers, making them an excellent choice for your roof garden. They’re also the world’s favorite vegetable (actually it’s a fruit). Remember they will need support such as a cage or stake, unless you choose dwarf varieties.
2) Peppers
Peppers tolerate heat well and grow excellently in containers. Grow all kinds of peppers.
3) Cucumbers
Grow them in a container and provide a trellis support for the vines to climb vertically.
4) Lettuce:
5) Peas:
6) Carrots:
7) Radishes:
8) Asparagus:
Fresh asparagus is often ridiculously expensive, and canned asparagus is mushy and horrible! The only way to get affordable asparagus that isn’t mushy and bland is to grow it yourself.
9) Corn:

Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 3:38 pm
by Munir
. First of all, Container Gardening of the nature you are thinking of, that too on the roof top should be necessitated by some compulsion, rather than by choice. What is your compulsion in a village, where normally there should be no ground space problem?
. If there is actually a space problem, then one must(repeat must) resort to container gardening& not be deterred by its limitations, as “something is better than nothing” & to fulfill one’s “shauq”, regardless of the results. However, one must try to offset the inherent limitations to the maximum by taking proper measures, some of which are mentioned below.
. No container can ever be big/good enough for normal growth of a tree,thus adversely affecting the yield & probably the size /quality also of the fruit. To get the best possible results:
 Dwarf or semi dwarf varieties should be selected if possible, which are common in developed countries but unfortunately not yet available in Pakistan,barring a few.
 I have heard that the trees started from the cuttings remain shorter in size, therefore, if possible- though less likely, one should look for these.
 In my view Chinese Lemon, Grapes, Fig, Peach, Plum,Apple,Nectarine, Pomegranate, Almond, Berries, Guava, Mulberry, Papaya, Falsa & Olive (mostly deciduous fruit trees/plants) are likely to be more successful. But follow local wisdom & practice for your area, as anything that doesn’t grow well in ground in your area will certainly not grow well in containers. However, here I have in large pots one plant each of Grape vine, Blackberry vine, Chinese Lemon , Kumquat( hardly a fruit though) & on trial, Desi Lemon & Peach, in addition to those in ground. All are doing fine. I had one Apple also in the pot but it has died probably due to overwatering or termite.
 The trees/plants must be appropriately pruned or trained to remain within manageable limits.
 Make greater use of fertilizer & nutrients & be more careful/particular about watering & pest/disease control.
 Use/construct the largest possible containers. Remember to initially locate them properly keeping the weight/load factor in mind & also the space for growth & shade, as it may not be possible to move them later.
 Don’t know why you want to grow Maple/ people tree? It is not recommended even in ground. Bakain may be, if you must.Jujubee???? But, remember you can’t overload a roof top without any commensurate benefits.
. In vegetables, go for only such that each grown in 2-3 or maximum 4 pots are enough for at least one meal or regrow ie. salads, herbs & vine types; including Green Lettuce, Iceberg, Round Radish, Broccoli & Chowkandar ; Dhania, Podina, Niazbo,Adrak, Celery , Parsely & Asparagus ; Tomatoes-Cherry & other, preferably vine types. May also try Chilies, Baighan, Karaila,Tori & Kheera in season. Use proper potting mix & as big containers as possible-minimum 14”. No use growing Peas, Carrots, Radishes,as you ll need a large number of pots for repeat/successive harvesting- an uneconomical proposition.
. You asked about Gul e Dopehri; it is known as Portulaca, a summer annual/perennial.
. I am not an expert; therefore, there may be different opinions from more clude up members. Better wait for their inputs also for confirmation.

Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 1:57 pm
by muhsinmalik1
thank you Munir for your time and advice.
The list of plants and vegs that i mentioned above doesn't mean that i will plant/cultivate all. Rather this is just a list of items that i will consider for plantation in containers.
Actually my objective is to make the roof cool (a sort of heat insulation) and to have some vegs and herbs that we can easily plant and which are required fresh.
I will not plant all. I just need the opinions, experiences and suggestions. my roof area is only 2,000 Sq. ft so everything is not possible.

Let me tell you that now i villages, people don't have much space for yard left after constructing required rooms and other structures. The housing land in Villages is scarce just like cities.

Now will you explain how can i get the light weight pots (Plastic / fiberglass) and from where. if you help me the pots/ containers in Lahore or its vacinity......
further which

Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 2:03 pm
by muhsinmalik1
one more thing

how about bamboo in pots (on rooftop) for protection from sun on the west side.

Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 10:02 am
by Munir
muhsinmalik1 wrote:one more thing

how about bamboo in pots (on rooftop) for protection from sun on the west side.
I don't think (even hedge)bamboo in pot will do well to meet the shade requirement.It will survive alright in a big pot, but will not put on much foliage- this is my personal experience.

Re: Rooftop plants (especially Fruits)

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 10:06 am
by Munir
muhsinmalik1 wrote:thank you Munir for your time and advice.
.........Now will you explain how can i get the light weight pots (Plastic / fiberglass) and from where. if you help me the pots/ containers in Lahore or its vacinity......
further which
I thought some expert (in Lahore) would come up to guide you properly,but since you may be waiting I ll give my opinion.You may not find large enough size plastic pots or readymade fiberglass pots.In any case they would be very expensive. The answer lies in using largest size earthen/clay pots or the used plastic/metallic 'drums' of chemicals or bitumen if you could get them cheap.
Do please get back after your final decision/plan is made.

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