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Plants that grow in full shade in Lahore

Posted: December 9th, 2012, 10:03 am
by MSaeed

I have tried and tried to grow flowers and vegetables in my back garden but no success. The only thing that grows is money plant and elephant year plants. Are there any shade loving plants and flowers that can grow in Lahore? I would love to see some blooming flowers and veges in this garden patch.

There is a jaman tree growing in this area and above the jaman tree is a beautiful tali plant and closeby we have a huge big neem tree. That is why there is shade but I really would like to see something grow.


Re: Plants that grow in full shade in Lahore

Posted: December 9th, 2012, 1:08 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Veggies would definitely require can try growing mustard, spinach and radishes these days but they are bound to perform poorly. What i suggest is that if those trees that you mentioned are your own, cut them hard/prune (its fall anyways and they are about to shed leaves) so that some sunlight can reach your growing area. This way you can train the trees in the direction where you require shade and where you require sunlight.

I am having a northern facing garden as well. Very difficult to grow most of the things due unavailability of sunlight. Most house plants/Palms and common perennials available in our nurseries can tolerate shady locations.

For winter annuals only varieties available in our nurseries for shade is Cineraria and Pansy. Rest would struggle.
For summer you can try impatiens, balsam, Joseph's Coat etc

You can also try Canna

Re: Plants that grow in full shade in Lahore

Posted: December 11th, 2012, 7:13 pm
by MSaeed
Thank you so much. They are useful suggestions. Will try this and let you know. I cannot cut down the trees as they are in the graveyard. By the way, i bought some white nargis pots last year and they are sprouting again very happily in the shade. If they flower, I'll let you know. I am also experimenting with potatoe (grown from my old potatoes in the kitchen). The stems are quite long and green but no flowers yet.

Best regards

Re: Plants that grow in full shade in Lahore

Posted: April 7th, 2014, 11:18 pm
by FarahAkhtar
How's your shade garden doing now Saeed? Any success with vegetables in the shade? I have a similar situation where I dont want to train or cut back my trees and would like to learn from your experience.

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