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Wisteria flower buds question

Posted: January 17th, 2013, 11:56 am
by khabbab
This wisteria is in ground and never flowered. I pruned it in summer and now it is going dormant, leaves are all yellow. My questions are as follows:

1- Are flower buds formed or yet to be formed?
2- The buds in pictures are flowers buds or growth buds?
3- Regarding pruning, you can see this vine growth is mostly vertical and not much side shoots. It blooms on old wood i have read. Is it necessary to prune it now?
4- I have GA-3 and i read that it can promote flowering. So can i try GA-3 on it to trigger flowering? i use foliar spray of GA-3 but the foliage is almost dying now.


As you can see the trunk is very thick and stems are old and fat.

Re: Wisteria flower buds question

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 7:19 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
although it is not wisteria

Re: Wisteria flower buds question

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 7:56 am
by Hamad Ahmed Kisana
another question is your wisteria seed sown or you bought mature plant ..because few varieties of wisteria start flowering after 20 years when they are seed sown for reference view this page of royal horticultue society.. ... px?pid=242

Re: Wisteria flower buds question

Posted: January 19th, 2013, 9:49 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
The round buds in first picture are flowering buds(my experience).
I would soon be pruning my W vines. What I do is ;
Remove all dead wood.
Remove all rope like long shoots arising from the base of mainstem.
Remove all branches going beyond its allocated space.
Prune pencil thick branches 4-6 inches from the base
Remove all thin shoots from the base.
Concentrate on forming a skeleton of the desired shape.
Happy gardening

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