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Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 22nd, 2013, 10:43 pm
by KBW
Okara has quite a hot climate. Summers are dry and harsh, specially May through July when the heat wave is known to burn the plant foliage. Soil is generally saline with an average pH of 9. What palms would you suggest for outdoor areas with no shade and protection? Would appreciate help.


Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 7:44 am
by KBW
Any suggestions?

Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 12:39 pm
by M Farooq
KBW wrote:Okara has quite a hot climate. Summers are dry and harsh, specially May through July when the heat wave is known to burn the plant foliage. Soil is generally saline with an average pH of 9. What palms would you suggest for outdoor areas with no shade and protection? Would appreciate help.

Is it true of your area or for the whole Okara? It seems unbelievably hostile soil for plants.
The only name that comes to mind is date palm- it is said to survive salinity and alkaline pH but I think you are looking for decorative palms.

Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 3:29 pm
Alexander,Queen & may be Foxtail.the first two do not need protection against frost in winters.they also survive the hot summers plus they are very decorative palms as they are feather leaf palms.Fox tail is not frost hardy in Islamabad but i think its frost hardy at Lahore.a member from Lahore can comment best about this most beautiful palm.Ahmad is well experienced in palms from Lahore.

Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 6:42 pm
by KBW
Thanks for the input.

Weather and soil of Okara is not at all plant friendly. There is something strange about this area. There is no poblem in Pattoki and there is not much of problem in Sahiwal aswell, but in Okara which lies in the centre, its a different story. I will not plant these palms directly in the local soil. I have got a reasonable medium prepared which includes 50 % leaf mould (three years old), 50 % bhal and few kgs of gypsum mixed in it. A large size pit will be dug so that the plant roots do not come in contact with the local soil for a year or so and that will solve the pH problem for a while. That is quite a hard work but without this, the plants may not be able to survive the harsh summers here. The location is also very important and I will avoid day long direct sun. At the same time, winters are also quite harsh and this year, we saw mercury dropping to minus two degrees C. This aspects is also to be kept in mind. With proper homework however, I am hopeful that if I the selection is appropriate, plants will be able to survive.

Now the plants. I agree, various varieties of Phoenix Palm thrive well in Okara. Since I need large size palms, Phonex roebelenii is out but canariansis is a good option and I have already arranged for around three canariansis cultivars. Fishtail, Foxtail, Queen, Alexandera, Triangle, Senegal, Bismarkia, Revenia, Washingtonia are some of the names that come to mind and I would need your suggestions on that. Bottle palm thrives very well here but there are already many of them around so I need something new. I would appreciate any guidance / suggestions.


Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 26th, 2013, 6:49 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
We planted Bismarkia here in Risalpur, though its surviving but experiences excessive leaf burn in summers.

Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 28th, 2013, 12:43 pm
by aneeq247
I live in Lahore and the summers here are very harsh, especially during the months May-July. Im growing foxtails and alexandras without any problems, but I have to cover them with green cloth in these three months to prevent the foliage from burning.

Re: Suggest a Palm for outdoors in Okara

Posted: February 28th, 2013, 7:44 pm
by KBW
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I will go along with various varieties Phoenix Palm, Phoenix rupicola and Phoenix canariansis being the mainstay plants. However, for sheltered locations I will also go for a Queen, Bismarkia, Fishtail, Foxtail, Alexandera and Ravenia. BTW, I love the texture of Phoenix rupicola though. :)

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