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Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 6th, 2016, 10:53 am
by saadiah tariq
Assalam o allaokum,
I want to grow mums in pots for a carpet view, last year I succeeded in multiplying plants but only few plants survived the casualties. The result was quite rewarding. I need advice regarding;
1- my little plants keep producing off shoots, what to do :(
2- how to save plants from summer heat.
3- pesticides for white flies and aphids, their frequency.

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 10:15 am
by Izhar
1) When the blooming is finished, cut the plant near ground level
2) The plant will immediately start producing babies near its base
3) Use liquid fertilizer for them. Dissolve 1 teaspoon Urea in 5 litre and weekly give this solution to your plants. DAP should be given once every 2 months.
4) Purchase any general purpose pesticide and make the solution as per label. Spray every evening for 1 week.
5) Spray every 15 days even when you dont see any pests
6) Keep the off-shoots coming, when they are six inch long just cut them in half and use the cutting for new plants or discard, your choice
7) Keep them in full sun or semi shade, its up to you
8) For better results, you should prepare soil mix 30 days before planting i.e. on 31st July (Soil:Manure in 1:1 ratio, for every 12 inch pot add 1 teaspoon plaster-of-paris, keep it wet for 30 days)
9) Take cuttings from old plants on August 15th, they will be rooted and ready to transplant on 1st September.
10) Pinch the plants on 20th September, 10th October and 1st November.
11) Must support the plants which are above 18 inch in height, otherwise the bloom quality will be decreased

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 10:54 am
Its amazing how you explain things pointwise.. as per your advice i have cut down my mums to 1/3rd.. the plants are now becoming very messy and bushy at ground level.. one last question .. considering a small space for the terrace garden and not intending to multiply do i need to still plant my suckers and cuttings or these plants if kept in shade with regular watering and dap will survive the summers and bloom again?

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 11:01 am
by Izhar
They will survive and bloom again but the vigor would be lost... always start new plants from cuttings and discard the old stock of previous season...

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 11:05 am
pointed to be noted.. so i need to buy some more poly bags to root my suckers and cuttings.. thanks again..

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 11:07 am
by Izhar
Take cuttings during August, for better plants...

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 9th, 2016, 9:26 am
by saadiah tariq
thank you sir for your valuable advice, few spent plants are infested with aphids i ve started using confidor 20%. as per your advice i will spray daily for seven days.
mohin sir, last year i filled a plastic container with empty tissue paper rolls hollow side up then filled the tub with soil and used for cuttings which was very successfull.


Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 9th, 2016, 9:35 am
by Izhar
These are very big cuttings with lots of leaves, take cutting not longer than 3 inch with only two full developed leaves... they root easily and grow quickly..

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 9th, 2016, 9:45 am
by saadiah tariq
these are last year's cuttings, this year's crop is result of these cuttings

Re: Chrysanthemum cultivation

Posted: February 9th, 2016, 10:08 am
as gud as it can get... i missed a forum for east every time i visited garden web.. this is it..

thanks sadia.. gud idea.. i plan to do the same with newspaper bags...