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Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 24th, 2016, 4:23 pm
by MrHasan
This brush palm tree in container. Has been in it for more then 30 years. But since this spring I changed its position a bit . And I doesn't produce anymore leaves on top I thought it died instead it's shown new growth as you can see in pictures. Today I see another leave popping from the opposite side of the plant . What's this behaviour? Should I put those new growths in another pot or leave it like this? Any idea?


Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 9:07 am
by Izhar
First of all this is not a true palm... its a Cycad.. you plant is suffering from root rot... please change its pot... the side shoot is a baby plant, after 3-4 leaves you can detach and grow it in another pot or ground...

Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 10:30 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Izhar mine in the ground were also having the same problem for the last three years, not being fond of them I have removed them all.

Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 12:39 pm
by Izhar
Sir, roots rot is the cause... a systemic fungicide drench will suffice...

Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 26th, 2016, 10:00 am
by Umair
Izhar wrote:Sir, roots rot is the cause... a systemic fungicide drench will suffice...
Izhar Sb plz elaborate on 'systematic fungicide drench'

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Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 26th, 2016, 10:09 am
by Izhar
A systemic fungicide is type of fungicide which gets absorbed from surface into plant tissues and its distributed in all parts of plant... it helps prevent the fungal infection as well as it treats the affected part..

Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 26th, 2016, 2:53 pm
by Umair
Izhar wrote:A systemic fungicide is type of fungicide which gets absorbed from surface into plant tissues and its distributed in all parts of plant... it helps prevent the fungal infection as well as it treats the affected part..
Which fundicide should be used for this purpose

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Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 26th, 2016, 2:56 pm
by Izhar
I use Aliette of Bayer while Score of Syngenta is also systemic... there are others too...

Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: August 31st, 2016, 12:59 pm
by MrHasan
Izhar wrote:First of all this is not a true palm... its a Cycad.. you plant is suffering from root rot... please change its pot... the side shoot is a baby plant, after 3-4 leaves you can detach and grow it in another pot or ground...
Thanks. I'll try to change its pot.

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Re: Someone knows why palm tree doing it

Posted: November 6th, 2016, 10:54 am
by mhalvi99
Guys just an updated picture of my kanghi Palm. Sorry I didn't get time to change its pot Azhar sb. I was thinking to do it in early spring.
Then it shows new growth. I wonder if it's back?
I think it recovered it self. Should I still change its pot?


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