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The great teacher

Posted: July 4th, 2011, 11:56 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Fifteen years ago I planted many many Roses, Eventually they all died, only one managed to live on. Three years ago I again planted about 30 plants and except two all are dead. My Mali used all tricks he knew but nothing worked, so I decided to kill this old one of mine by over feeding it with chemical fertilisers.


In addition to the Rose bush my golden Shower which is 10 feet away responded madly.
Draw your own conclusions :idea:

Re: The great teacher

Posted: July 4th, 2011, 8:27 pm
Aoa brig sb.desisz rest is diffrent in diff roses cultivers.e.g Pradise,goldmedal,bejazo has low rest aginst desisz.on the other hand golden showers,bewitched,queen elizbeth has strong rest power aginst desises.secondly there two serious thrats to threat is the hot & humid weather which is nowadys(moonson).fungus,black spot develope in these days.i usally spray BAYERS Eillite antifugus before the moonson.then again i repeat it in the mid of the moonsoon.the second threat are the apheads which appears in with the arrival with the practice is i thourly check every flower bud.if i find out apheads even in small amount i spray imedia cleopard.before flowering i spray it because the chemical destroy the flowers.thidly never sprinkle water in the evening on the foliage as it stimulates black spots.roses like good drainage.feed ur roses with old manure after hard pruning in DEC.Also feed with ganular NPK 20,20,20 after a week of hard pruning.when the first flash of flowers is overed feed with liquid npk on 4nilghtly bases.when flower buds appear stip feeding.dont feed durring summer months.i think u have cn my roses in pic.i do all the job for them and they reward me with hudge beautifull blooms year after year.

Re: The great teacher

Posted: July 5th, 2011, 10:05 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Khan sahib, you did not get my point.

Re: The great teacher

Posted: July 5th, 2011, 10:23 am
by Izhar
Sir, which sort of fertilizers you used? I can see an Ixora in the background which is showing the symptoms of Iron deficiency... It might be the case of pH of the soil and the water you are using in it... at higher pH the nutrients are present but plants are unable to absorb them... this may have caused the death of your roses ....though not instantly but the plants would have become weaker and weaker during a period and eventually died... the one which had a chance to grow a better root system survived... when you "overdosed" ....the level of "available" nutrients became optimum for a brief period that is why the Golden Shower whose roots are running beneath the bed responded... a continuous use of organic stuff like well rotted manure, used tea leaves will gradually buffer your bed at a pH beneficial for your plants as well as improves the soil texture and provides more aeration in it...

Re: The great teacher

Posted: July 5th, 2011, 6:38 pm
Aoa brig sb you are asking about PH of the soil.i always see your ph topic in the gen disc sec.

Re: The great teacher

Posted: July 6th, 2011, 9:51 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Izhar, Ixora has PH Problem, that is why I asked you about your PH meter. Mine is a Chines I cannot vouch its reliability. What I was hinting at is clarified in my new posting The Jungle. The PH problem will be tackled after the rains.

Re: The great teacher

Posted: January 13th, 2012, 10:59 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
That is what the forum is for.