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Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 8:41 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
My Chorisias are starting to bloom, so far only two have some flowers and load of buds. The rest are yet not on buds.






Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 9:48 am
by Mustansir Billah
Nice. Why Budha tree?

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 10:27 am
by M Farooq
This tree is extremely beautiful as well. The entry for this tree exists in our database as Cieba speciosa.

Good question Mustansir...because this tree has apparently nothing to do with Buddha. Gautam Buddh (a prince, even before the time of Islam) used to meditate under a peepal tree, Ficus religiosa. There are not many peepal trees in the city, but if you happen to visit Karachi University, you might see huge old peepal trees - which provide a peaceful shade. You can now see why botanists call peepal as Ficus religiosa (religious/ sacred Ficus). How many modern princes of our country would like to sit under a tree now to "think"? The peepal tree is called Bodha tree in other languages - which makes sense.
To cut the story short, I think Buddha tree is rather a misapplied name of Chorisia tree on the web - not sure of the reasons. If there are other connections please share.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 28th, 2013, 3:08 pm
by mikhurram
I have a Chorisia Speciosa tree but it tends to flower around February on a consistent basis for the past 5 years and after flowering it sheds its leaves. The other characteristics are that there are spines or thorn around the base of the trunk. I am a bit puzzled that if this is also Chorisia then what could be a pluasible reason for flowering at this time.

As far i can recall there is another tree named Budha in local terminology which has similar flowers and bears close resemblance to Chorisia Speciosa. If this is the case then the name of this tree is indeed Budha and that may help to explain for its flowering and that it is not Chorisia Speciosa but a related tree.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 8:41 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
The tree that inspired me to plant them in my garden is in the house of a Floral Artist, her tree had a few flowers a month ago. She told me that the tree will be in full bloom in Dec. having shed all its leaves. Her tree is also rounded, compact and not very high compared to mine. My trees do not shed leaves and have different shapes.
All Chorisias have thorns on the trunk, There is a young Chorisia tree in our golf club which has a bulbous trunk.
Budha is the local name for Chorisia.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 8:49 am
by KBW
In my view the tree shown in the picture is Chorisia Speciosa. I planted one in Okara last year and it has a thorny trunk. We have a very old specimen of Chorisia Speciosa in Lawrence Garden, Lahore. It has a huge swollen trunk. Mine is around 8-9 ft high and may flower after two years.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 9:05 am
by mikhurram
Brig Sahib, you are indeed right that Chorisia speciosa sheds its leaves before flowering. I would like to correct my initial statement regarding shedding of leaves. However i am still puzzled that if your tree is indeed Budha that why it's not shedding any leaves which is a characteristic of this tree and the reason for flowering at this time which is too soon or premature for Chorisia. The leaves and flowers of your tree are identifical to Chorisia.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 1:08 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
mikhurram wrote:Brig Sahib, you are indeed right that Chorisia speciosa sheds its leaves before flowering. I would like to correct my initial statement regarding shedding of leaves. However i am still puzzled that if your tree is indeed Budha that why it's not shedding any leaves which is a characteristic of this tree and the reason for flowering at this time which is too soon or premature for Chorisia. The leaves and flowers of your tree are identifical to Chorisia.
My experience (I may be wrong) is That young plants throughout the year are in active stage of growth and avoid dormancy so do not shed leaves, same is true for my Tabebuia.

In 2nd and 3rd picture you see some leaves have turned yellow lets wait for a month.

Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 11:58 am
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Chorisias as on 10/10/213
The red and pink are almost in full bloom the yellow has just started.








Re: Chorisia The Budha tree

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 12:32 pm
by Munir
Beautiful !
Where do you have these,at Thokar or in your home garden?