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Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 3:01 am
by Syed Adnan
The Geraniums and Hibiscuss gave atleast half a year bloom, mine starting blooming from November and till date they have reached the climax, these are recommended to all flower lovers by me.

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 3:07 am
by Syed Adnan
Hibiscus are heavy feeders they need a lot of everything fertilizer, sun, water, soil. :D

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 10:34 am
by Izhar
I have some semi double geraniums which are propagated through cuttings, mine took 3 months to bloom from seed, they are in ground and if they survived the summers then the next coolers season would be inshaAllah fabulous..

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 11:01 am
by Syed Adnan
Geranium are difficult to survive in Summer heat so i bring them inside near a North facing window, they become letahargic and inactive but the new leaves sprouting / blooming starts again with October. they are rewarding as in summerfall they outclass all flowers, i cut the old stems so new leaves sprout from bottom at the beggining of season.

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 13th, 2012, 12:11 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
Who has grown it year after year in Lahore, If I were to try which variety should I start with.

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 8:43 am
by Syed Adnan
Geraniums are both annuals and perennials, the hybrid ones available are mostly Annuals but old fashioned palgorinums were perennials, another Gerenium which i have is below, i will try to make it survive the summer.

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 2:18 pm
by khabbab
I tried to make it perennial once but it did not survive after monsoon. Not growing anymore. Pelargoniums have better chance than geraniums to naturalize in lahore. I heard they grow good under tree shade. They are shy of rains for sure. But the plant can naturalize in lahore and there must be some gardeners in lahore growing them year round.

Are they easy from seed? Seed is large? There are some south african pelargoniums which i have access to seeds but not sure they are worth the effort or not.

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 4:23 pm
by Izhar
Very easy from seeds.. late bloomers.. mine took 3 months.. In Karachi, they survive the summers in shade... I am looking for more double varieties which have rose like blooms...

Re: Half a year BLOOM

Posted: March 16th, 2012, 9:36 pm
by Syed Adnan
The Geraniums & Pelgorinums which i have are from cuttings, My Geraniums have already survived one summer but it is really difficult to get them through with the amount of heat in my area,I believe Karachi should be more suitable to them .

But i love them as when everything is blooming they are blooming and when nothing is blooming they are still blooming. :lol: