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use of gypsum for lawns

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 1:22 pm
by isaeed
I was told by a nursery guy in lahore that a solution of gypsum and water will do wonders for grass lawns.He referred to garrison golf club lawns which are lush green with thick turf which does not have a single weed.He says gypsum helps in conditioning the soil by leaching dowh salt residue which allows better response of the grass to fertilisers.Has any member tried this?.please share experience

Re: use of gypsum for lawns

Posted: May 31st, 2015, 12:03 pm
by Muhammad Arif Khan
This post has remained un answered for a year and a half,Perhaps because it was based on wrong assumption.
Gypsum is not soluble in water,
The beautiful lawns of LGG&CC are result of regular fertilisation, proper watering, regular mowing and regular manual weeding.

Re: use of gypsum for lawns

Posted: May 31st, 2015, 9:26 pm
by isaeed
Thanks for the clarification brig Arif .much appreciated

Re: use of gypsum for lawns

Posted: June 1st, 2015, 3:19 am
by M Farooq
Gypsum is moderately soluble in water (good enough to be used in soil) but it is very much unlike other common fertilizers which are extremely water soluble. I have never seen anyone using gypsum for lawns as yet in Pk.