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Need help with grass...

Posted: January 29th, 2012, 4:52 pm
by Usama
In september 2011 i planted korean grass in my lawn. It has established itself nicely but now i have noticed that quite few patches of Dhaka Fine grass are contaminating the lawn. These patches are growing day by day. They look lush green and beautiful, Now what should i do??? :roll:

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: July 15th, 2012, 7:35 pm
by KAMasud
LoL. You must have applied cow manure. Well, healthy, vigorous Korean grass can take good care of it self. Dhaka grass and American khabbal are shallow rooted while Koreans root system is some four inches below. One propagates by throwing out runners, the other from its root system. From that it can readily be made out that shallow, runner propagation has no chance against the deep rooted one.
I would say leave the two alone Korean in the end will kill the other, until then enjoy both green up your lawn. Take a watering can with a fine shower, dissolve about 30 grams of Urea in two cups of hot boiling water. Pour into ten litre watering can, fill with cool tap water and sprinkle your lawn once a week with this dilute mixture and water it in. See the Korean leap.

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: July 15th, 2012, 11:59 pm
I love the Bermuda grass.its lush green these days.the Korean is actually ground cover.its root system is very deep penetrating into the ground.the Bermuda(so called Dhaka or American) runs like crazy.its root system is shallow.if you like Korean,leave the end it will finish the Bermuda.feed your grass with Urea these days plus some micro winter feed it with DAP(higher in Phos),it promtes the root the grass speeds up to green in early spring as soon as it gets warm.Keeping top class turf is the toughest task in gardening in my exp.its a personal taste of person to person but i like Bermuda.
my grass is not that so good but not so bad.i have two in Marda(Bermuda light green) another in Islamabad( Korean).

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: July 16th, 2012, 12:26 am
My turf(Bermuda grass)

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: November 18th, 2012, 10:16 pm
by sallookhan
very beautiful lawns mashallah... dear do u knw the name of pine trees that are presnt in murree shaped...can vgrow them here i mean n warmer regions

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: November 19th, 2012, 11:21 am
by Farhan Ahmed
Lovely umar sahab

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: December 10th, 2012, 10:49 pm
by Hayats
My question is how to keep lawn green during winter? I have Korean grass in my lawn, in winter season grass becomes dull & off colored.

In some European countries, where weather is much colder then what we have here, you would see green lawns even in winter. I am not sure if that grass is special or is they are using some special fertilizers.

Even if grass is not as green as it is in Summers, still it should look good. Any suggestions on how I can help the grass in maintaining its green color in winter?

Thx, -ah

Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: December 12th, 2012, 10:17 am
by M Farooq
Hayats wrote:My question is how to keep lawn green during winter? I have Korean grass in my lawn, in winter season grass becomes dull & off colored.

In some European countries, where weather is much colder then what we have here, you would see green lawns even in winter. I am not sure if that grass is special or is they are using some special fertilizers.

Even if grass is not as green as it is in Summers, still it should look good. Any suggestions on how I can help the grass in maintaining its green color in winter?

Thx, -ah
Fertilizer cannot help the temperature related issues. I had read about the trick that you seed two different types of grasses in the same that does well in the summer and the other is winter tolerant. Google rye grass seeds and you may find good leads to buy from online vendors. I haven't tested this myself, so you may try a small patch if you wish to experiment.


Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 10:39 am
by Hayats
In the rear lawn, which does not get much sun shine, I have this weed spreading. Any suggestion on how to get rid of it. Do I need to remove the whole patch and then replant grass or is there a way of removing only the weeds?


Re: Need help with grass...

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 11:45 am
by Farhan Ahmed
It shouldn't be a problem as mostly you have BROAD LEAF weeds. Take a sample of weed/weeds and go to any agriculture/gardening shop and ask for "Broad Lead" herbicide. Be careful not to buy narrow leaf herbicide. Then spray the herbicide as recommended by the shopkeeper or instructions on the bottle of herbicide. To be more cautious, what you can do is to select a small portion of your lawn and then spray the herbicide. After seeing the result after few days you can spray the entire garden if the spray proves harmful to weed and un-harmful to grass.