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caladium problem

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 8:07 pm
by U.A
i hv two potted caladiums. there leaves are turning yellow and some of the leaves are showing burn tips. they are in full shade and bright light. also watering them regularly. cant understand what is happening to them. any suggesion???

Re: caladium problem

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 8:57 pm
by Tahir Khan
U.A wrote:i hv two potted caladiums. there leaves are turning yellow and some of the leaves are showing burn tips. they are in full shade and bright light. also watering them regularly. cant understand what is happening to them. any suggesion???
Have you checked the soil and drainage ?? the bulbs underneath might be rotting :!:

Re: caladium problem

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 11:14 pm
by U.A
i guess drainage is the problem. can u plz suggest how can i improve the drainage??

Re: caladium problem

Posted: July 3rd, 2013, 11:50 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Do you want to save the POT or BULB?

if bulb then break the pot, add some free draining media such as sand in new pot. Put the Gachi in new pot. Ensure that the drainage hole in the bottom is open and large enough. Do not put "tikri", small stone to cover this hole. I am assuming that your media is clay like because of which this problem can arise or you have been over watering.

When you break the pot try not to break the "gachi", or as less as possible which is aim of breaking the pot.

Re: caladium problem

Posted: July 4th, 2013, 8:30 am
by Tahir Khan
U.A wrote:i guess drainage is the problem. can u plz suggest how can i improve the drainage??
I will add to Farhan sb's suggestion.... Use dry leaves to make the soil more arable and free draining, crush up some handfuls of leaves and mix with the potting soil along with sand... The ratio should be 1 part soil + 2 part crushed leaves + 1/2 part sand.

Mix these all up and pot the bulb again if it has not rot already... if so discard the bulb and get a new one.... Don't cover the drainage hole with a stone (Thikri) cover the hole with dry leaves to ensure max drainage.

Re: caladium problem

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 2:39 pm
by U.A
thnx for ur suggetions. i m trying to save the bulb....