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Home Remedies/Tips to ward off Pests

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 6:22 am
by Farhan Ahmed
Source- Indian Book

Perch a peacock feather somewhere in the room to ward off lizards. Raw egg shells is another thing that lizards detest, so place a few of them wherever, you feel, the lizards reside.

While mopping the floor, add a few drops of ‘mehendi’ oil to ward off mosquitoes.

Place a ball of cotton soaked in peppermint oil near a rat hole, The rats will flee.

Don’t throw away used mosquito mats. Keep them in a corner of the room to drive away ants. Burn them to get rid of mosquitoes.

Keep dried red chillies in your wardrobe to protect your silk and woollen garments from silverfish.

Good old naphthalene balls are still the best remedy, to drive away pests from the drains.

Keep some camphor tied in a piece of muslin cloth in a corner of a room to keep insects away.

Dry neem twigs tied in a cloth and placed in cupboards and suitcases work as excellent eco-friendly, insect repellants.

To get rid of ants, draw a line with a chalk around the ant holes and along the walls where they appear.

Place a small piece of camphor in the dustbin to keep stale odour and vermin at bay.

Burn dried orange peel in charcoal or saw dust to drive away mosquitoes and other insects. The smoke also gives a sweet smell.

Dissolve 3 camphor tablets in a cup of water and place it under the bed to keep mosquitoes away.

To get rid of rats and mice, place cotton swabs soaked in turpentine, at strategic locations around the house.

Sprinkle some dry neem leaves in bookshelves to keep away the white ants

To get rid of mosquitoes, keep a used mosquito mat on top of a gas lantern.

A garlic flake dipped in castor oil and placed in a mosquito coil will make the mosquitoes disappear.

Dry lemon peels in the sun and use them as insect repellents in cupboards etc.

Spread peppercorns under mattresses to avoid insects and bed bugs.

Mix one tablespoon of gemaxin powder with one tablespoon of kerosene oil and make into a paste. Apply the paste to all corners and along the wall, with a brush. The ants will vanish in seconds.

Cucumber peels are excellent ant repellants. Next time ants invade your household, keep bits of cucumber skins wherever you think the ants congregate.

To get rid of ants, pour a few drops of kerosene along the ant-trail.

Add ½ teaspoon of asafoetida to ½ a cup of water and pour into all the holes or cracks where white ants exist. After a few days, they will disappear.

Borax powder sprinkled under the paper on the shelves keeps off silver fish.

To keep moths and insects away from upholstered furniture, sprinkle powdered alum or a few cloves down the crevices and under the carpets.

Rats can be eliminated by placing piece of alum near their holes.

A blue night bulb will keep the mosquitoes away from the bedroom

Re: Home Remedies/Tips to ward off Pests

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 2:58 pm
by farah fayyaz
Very helpful post Farhan.JazakAllah.