fertilisers for roses

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fertilisers for roses

Post by chickoo34 »

I have a few red rose plants bought about a month ago... and want to know which fertilisers are needed to promote growth and blooming..
Is Quick gro plant food enough or anything else is also needed.
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by Izhar »

Its enough... use 1/4th of the recommended strength mentioned on the packet, every week..
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by chickoo34 »

one more thing about roses is that i have read on the internet that they need at least 6hrs of direct sunlight but in a post of yours on a different topic ive read that intense sunlight could cause sunburn to the plant.. plz tell me about how many hrs of direct sunlight should be provided to a rose plant...mine gets about 9 hrs of direct light nowadays as it is placed on the roof top...
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by Izhar »

No worries.. lots of people grow them on rooftop here in Karachi.. make sure the pots are as large as possible.... on roof the problem of root burning is greater then leaf burning.. the smaller pots become hot quickly and the thin roots become dry ..the growth is halted..
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Re: fertilisers for roses


Ideal fertilizer for roses is N P K with 1-2-1 ratio.but you can also feed wuth NPK 20-20-20(1-1-1).give them pot as large as possible.old cow manure is very good for their health.the main threat to your roses in Karachi climate is fungus(powdery mildew & downy mildew).use good quality fungicides for both the fungus on regular bases(4th nightly).fungicides also control black spot fungus.roses like direct sun light at least five hrs a day.always select varieties which are fit for containers.for your own city its good to take guid lines from Izhar or mir sb.
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by forcetrip »

I got 7 rose plants in july, and have 3 left come september. They were in small pots and were transfered to the ground. They were doing well till the "Goodi" started every 2 weeks. I had a sneaking suspicion that the plants were not put dug in at the required depth. Its not the first time this has happened. I have had 3 others wither away past year as well. I have halted all "Goodi" being done since the past month after we lost 4 plants. Now the 3 are doing much better, at least they are alive for now. Really need to know how to speed up their growth and have them as permanent. We do spray all the plants with malathon and grass with tenekil plus. I have put together some pictures of the roses.





This is the picture of last years survivors. Two of them really close.


Any recommendations would be highly appreciated.
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Re: fertilisers for roses


Actually it,s not your fault.Karachi,s climate is humid.roses hate humidity.humidity cause fungus in roses.its better to replace roses with some beautiful tropical plants.if you still have a desire to grow roses.always choose roses which are highly disease resitant.spray with good quality fungicide on forth nightly bases.
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by forcetrip »

Any particular names for roses which are better suited to Karachi? Also need any names for plant food known to power up the rose plants. Thanks again.
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Re: fertilisers for roses


As i am not from Karachi so i can,t give a better answer to your question.senior members from Karachi Izhar & Mir sb can give better answer.what i mean they can tell about varieties most suited to Karachi,s climate.Rogusa are well suited to coastal areas but i don,t know whether its available in the port city or not.
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Re: fertilisers for roses

Post by Izhar »

All the available rose varieties suffer from same problem in Karachi starting from May and ending in September... firstly the month (July) you picked for planting them was not correct... it is recommended that the new rose plants are planted in the month of November (in Karachi).. now as you can see that the new growth has been started, which is a good sign, start giving them granular fertilizer like Engro zarkhez NPK, (go to the garden shop and ask for NPK, these are light bluish granules).. administer the fertilizer lightly (mere sprinkling a handful over a cubic meter), away from plant's stem and water immediately... as the new growth speeds up, prune the weak and old branches to promote more new growth, when the new shoots are 3-4 inches pinch their tips, it will make the plant more bushy, dont let it form blooms before December and take out any flower bud..
The fertilizers should be given ONLY during active growth period and tilling (godi) is also recommended during the active growth season which is from October till May.. fertilizer should be administered with 15 day gap..
Roses should not be washed regularly, it will promote the fungal diseases in them, however you can wash them weekly in the morning when there is ample sunlight to dry them up before night..
Roses are susceptible to various pests, it is recommended to spray a general purpose pesticide every week on them, whether you see any pest or not...
You will inshaAllah have a great blooming season with roses.. dont hesitate to ask any question..
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