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HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 15th, 2012, 2:33 am
by Hamad
AOA to all

how to keep the following tubers when they are dormant
and how to break the dormancy


please share first-hand experience because sometimes bookish knowledge fail to deliver
because techniques differ from climate to climate and we want to keep them alive in our climate

because I lost some bulbs of daffodils and glads so instead of increasing them in number
I’m losing them, looking forward for you replies


Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 15th, 2012, 10:43 am
by Izhar
If they are in pot then keep them in their pot after dormancy, water every 15 days lightly... if they are in ground and you need to put some other plants there then lift them and replant them in a pot, water them every 15 days... they will remain good in the bed if not disturbed and will surely multiply.. this is my firsthand experience for Gladiolus, Dahlia, Paperwhites, ranunculus, caladium and calla lily

Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 16th, 2012, 9:18 am
by Hamad
Thankyou Izhar will try but what I observed is that Glad is one of the most sencitive tuber to mange.


Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 16th, 2012, 9:33 am
by Izhar
and my observation and experience is complete opposite to yours :geek: i had stored glad corms in box, paper bags, in pots and in ground.. almost none of the corm shriveled or rotted..

Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 17th, 2012, 1:55 am
by Hamad
Lucky you Izhar!!!! thats what we call green finger and lets c how lucky I prover to be wish me luck


Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 17th, 2012, 11:37 am
by Syed Adnan
I agree with Izhar, Glads are easier to keep than others, iam keeping glads, narcissus,iris, freesias,renunculus,muscari in mesh and boxes with holes in it. i keep them in cabinet in a dark place, nothing happened to them in last 4 yeas !

Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 18th, 2012, 12:46 am
by Hamad
Same as Izhar lucky you!!! Can I borrow your green finger ;) just joking ;) ;)

In my case may be it’s because of lack of attention, coz I’m all dependant on
my mali and he is not so good at it and especially when you are not in attendance
they don’t care as I visit occasionally!!

Dose some one has any experience of keeping lily corms?


Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 18th, 2012, 2:05 am
by Syed Adnan
I will give you some details of my experience may it be helpful for you:

1. GLADS, FREESIAS, DAFFODILS, AFRICAN BLOODS, IXIAS, CORCUS, MUSCARI, HYCINTHS, IRIS : keep in hanging mesh/nets or shoe boxes with holes in it, should be in cool dry place , check monthly, should be cleaned of any soil on them before storage. Another option is to keep them in the soil in ground or pots, but sometimes soil become too dry or wet because of rain and chances of damage is there.

2. LILLIUMS, DAHLIAS, CLADIUM: donot follow the above technique they will become too dry and died , keep or left them in the soil is best or if you want keep them with peat moss in a shoe box.

The above are all of my experience for the last 3 to 4 years , i have more than 500 bulbs of different varieties. If you found one bulb diseased never store it.

Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 18th, 2012, 2:08 am
by Syed Adnan
Moreover Nerines and Lycoris i left in pots in summer but they never bloomed for me but multiplying. Tulips can be kept like daffodils but they should have atleast 2 months in fridge before potting in soil.

Re: HoW tO keEp DormAnt tUbeRs

Posted: November 18th, 2012, 3:20 am
by Hamad
Thanks Adnan InshAllah I will try and thankyou for sharing your experience, for Nerine
and Lycoris try them in beds I got Lycoris they are doing good and planning to have Nerine
inshAllah soon it’s my observation that they do well in beds as compare to pots and they
take at least one year or two and in some cases more to start flowering and check their
soil and sun position my suggestion is to try them in bed but you are a good experienced
guy if they are not flowering for you then it must be for a good reason

