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Plumeria rubra ( & varieties)

Posted: July 5th, 2013, 2:41 am
by M Farooq
Botanical Name Plumeria rubra
Family Apocyanaceae
Local Name in Urdu Champa
Common Name Frangipani
Life Cycle Decidous
Cultivar Name Many varieties available
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) Tree
Height > 10 feet
Spacing Grown as a solitary tree
Flowering Months Through out the year
Flower Color Pink, new varieties have red, orange, yellow, pure white
Growing Areas All around Pakistan except cold regions
Frost Tender Yes
Exposure Full sun, will not tolerate shade
Soil pH No specific issues
Propagation Stem cuttings with plant hormones, seeds are also grown
Uses Ornamental
Other Details Plumeria belongs to the sada-bahaar family. Plumeria flowers are a common sight in many Pakistani gardenz. Highly fragrant flowers bloom in bunches. Some trees shed all their leaves during the fall season. This is especially seen in the case of local champa, which has yellow and white flowers. After that that the tree bears hundreds of flowers. Plumeria can tolerate a certain level drought but overwatering is disasterous. The roots simply rot quickly in waterlogged soil. No special pests or diseases but fungus can attack the soft stems and then the plant quickly dies. Champa is a slow growing tree so it is beneficial to buy an old plant which is ready for flowering. Coloured varieties are not as fragrant as the local tree. Pure white champa is said to be highly fragrant. Wood is very weak and can be easily broken with hands. Protect from windy locations. The plant extrudes white latex on being wounded. The latex sticks very hard on the hands. The white plumeria shown here is Plumeria pudica. It is not fragrant