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Stephanotis floribunda

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:55 pm
by khabbab
Botanical Name Stephanotis floribunda
Family Apocynaceae
Genus Stephanotis
Specie Floribunda
Local Name in Urdu
Common Name Bridal Bouquet , Madagascar Jasmine
Life Cycle Perennial
Cultivar Name
Fragrant or Not Fragrant
Category(Bush/Vine/Tree) Vine
Height Up to 15 Feet
Spacing 5-10 Feet
Flowering Months Summer, Late Summer
Flower Color White
Growing Areas Native to warm, humid areas, tropical origin
Frost Tender Yes, hardy in lahore
Exposure Full sun, Part shade
Soil pH Mildly acidic, acidic
Propagation Seeds, Cuttings
Uses Ornamental
Ease of growth (Beginner / Medium / Expert) Medium
Other Details Hailing from the Milkweed family, it is a climber famous for its fragrance flowers. As the origin of this vine is Madagascar which has moderate temperatures, high humidity and seasonal cycles of hot, wet summers and cool, dry winters provides the optimal growing conditions for Stephanotis. This is not a plant which is of type "Plant and forget" in Lahore at least. It needs care and will not grow well if temperatures exceed its comfort zone. It loves its roots cool and its leaves hot and humid. Morning sun in hot areas is ideal. It will tolerate winters of Lahore but needs winter protection in Islamabad and cooler areas. Original vine has dark green leaves which are thick. Variegated version has Variegated leaves. When i grew it in my soil bed in lahore, it was moderate grower, not fast.

Below picture is taken from Lawrence gardens climber garden, where one normal specimen and one variegated version, both mature specimens are growing there. These blooms were shot in afternoon of Mid of May which is a very hot month. My observation is that the high temperatures affected the fragrance power of this vine.

Re: Stephanotis floribunda

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 7:58 pm
by mikhurram
I have yet to try this plant but have heard that the bloom last barely for a week or two at maximum?

Re: Stephanotis floribunda

Posted: February 21st, 2014, 8:08 pm
by khabbab
mikhurram wrote:I have yet to try this plant but have heard that the bloom last barely for a week or two at maximum?
Imran, the plant i grew did not flower for me so cannot say for sure but the one in lawrence gardens did flower for at least 10 days after that i did not check.

Re: Stephanotis floribunda

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 9:33 am
by M Farooq
I saw this vine in someone's house in Karachi...and it had no/ mild fragrance. You are right that it could be due to temperature.

And guess what, according to our Govt website, Stephanotis's picture is posted as the "national flower" of Pakistan. I wrote to the "contact us" but nothing happened. Anyway, which jasmine is the official jasmine of Pakistan (as a picture)? Has anyone seen this type of Jasmine? ... flora_id=5

Re: Stephanotis floribunda

Posted: February 22nd, 2014, 6:13 pm
by hnasir
I have a small vine growing- it did flower and scent was heavy ONLY at night/sunset. In the day, it was non-existent.. It is growing in part-sun and part shade.